The Boonville Advertiser of March 17, 1899, page 1 under the title "KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BANQUET, reads:
'On Monday evening Golden Gate Lodge No. 91, K. of P., of this city, conferred upon Mr. Henry Sombart the rank of page; upon Wilbur T. Johnson and Chas. Sombart the rank of knights, and upon William T. Lionberg, Dr. P. L. Hurt and Carl Ames the rank of esquires. The Ceremony was conducted by Prof. H. Clay Harvey, of Glasgow, assisted by members of the lodges of Fayette and Boonville. Although we are not a knight, we understand that the work was very impressive and beautiful.
'Between the conferring of the second and the third rank of delicious supper was served in the large banquet hall of the Knights' castle. Mr. Joseph Rutherford acted as toastmaster. Dr. P. L. Hurt responded to the toast, "Our Guests:" Prof. Harvey, "Pythianism:" J. W. Jamison, "Our Candidates:" Stonewall Pritchett, of Fayette, "Influence of Pythianism on Society."
'The following out-of-town knights were present: From Fayette--Guy Holly, Oat Marlow, Dr. U. S. Wright, Al Besgrove, Al Besgrove Jr., A. M. Rollins, Paul Wolfson, Dr. J. R. McGraw, Stonewall Pritchett, Dr. O. F. Burton; from Glasgow--W. D. Settle, editor of the Glasgow GLOBE, Walter Layman, E. E. Roll, Charles Shackelford, H. Clay Harvey; from Franklin--A. L. Green, editor of the Franklin NEWS; from Tipton--Messrs. Hayne and Logan.
'Prof. Harvey arrived Sunday afternoon and was entertained by Mr. Charles Miller and Mr. Eugene Windsor. While here he visited the Reform school and other places of interest, and says Boonville is the best town in the state of its size.'
The entire column is quoted for all to examine. Note that the Rutherford in question is listed as Joseph Rutherford, not John. He is not included among the out-of-town Knights who were in attendance at the banquet. Joseph Rutherford was the toastmaster, a position that would not be filled by a non-member who would be unfamiliar with the Knights' rituals. Moreover, of speakers at this occasion, only one, Stonewall Pritchett, is listed as not from Boonville.
Despite the evidence, and there is much more, Watchtower apologists will no doubt argue that perhaps there were two Joseph Franklin Rutherfords living in Boonville and the one who belonged to the Knights of Pythias was not their guy.