JoinedTopics Started by Athanasius
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
"Yahweh" pronunciation is more correct (w60 8/1 pp. 453-455)
by psyco in.
https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1960561 (substitute .borg with .org)furthermore, today in every jw publication the tetragrammaton is rendered as yhwh which is more preserved by yahweh than by jehovah..
Rethinking WT Charity Status in Canada.
by Vanderhoven7 inrethinking wt charity status in canada.. . .
Removed - blood card
by skin ini overheard a discussion between two jws, they said that when someone is disfellowshipped, they are asked to hand their blood card back to the elders.
i had never heard of this before, is this correct?.
The man wins custody because of the blood issue.
by liam inhere is a great story about a disfellowshipped man who fought his in laws, his wife, and his wife's boyfriend, and other jehovah witnesses, in order to win custody for his son...........and won!.
you will like the outcome..
Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
Voting, why make it easier to vote??
by moomanchu indemocrats are always harping on and on about voting rights and how the ability to vote should be easier and access unrestricted.
the most progressive ones want to allow prisoners, and illegals with no voter id the ability to vote along with the criminals, drug addicts, and uneducated low lives who already can vote.. .
after they push for everyone and anyone to be able to vote they then tell us it is a sacred privilege, a duty and honor, and a big responsibility blah, blah ect..... if it is all those grandiose things are true i think it should be harder to vote not easier.
by raymond frantz in
shame is an ancient form of control.
shame is the mechanism used to control behaviour.
The August 2024 Watchtower controversy and potential further changes
by ukpimo inas an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
Lloyd Evans Patreoff May 2024
by DerekMoors intime for this month's patreoff!
the fat one's numbers seem to be leveling off a bit, but we all know someone with his gravitational pull can't keep up momentum for long.. i made up another chart and used 356 for april because that's where he was on the 2nd.
also, this time last year was when he put out his "things are bad and i don't just mean what i look like naked" video and got a +187 bump.