Happy Birthday, R R.
JoinedPosts by Athanasius
Do Elders need to study?
by Outaservice inyear ago we used to criticize the 'clergy' because we heard that most of them just bought their weekly sermons!
(not true by the way!).
are jw elders any different?
Good point Outa. The JWs use more canned sermons than any clergyperson of Christendom.
Are you ashamed to admit you were a JW?
by sleepy in.
how do you feel about telling people you were a jw, does it make you feel like admiting you were a flasher or some strange perv?.
i told a lady the other day who asked about what i was doing for christmas, that i used to be a jw, but i had to make sure she knew i was brought up as one by my parents , just so she didn't think it was my choice.. she thought i was very brave for leaving though.
Its not something I would boast about.
by Mary inlets say you were born prior to the 20th century and found yourself on the titanic on the night of april 14, 1912. your a male.
all the lifeboats are either going or have gone.
what would you have done in order to try and survive?
When the Titanic stopped at Queenstown in Ireland I would have left the ship and avoided sailing into history.
Is There ANYTHING That Would Make You Go Back?
by SpannerintheWorks incould the wbts change anything about it's beliefs that would entice you back to the religion?.
or are you firmly against the wbts no matter what?.
even if it changed it's rules on shunning, blood, "worldly things" ?.
Never again.
What is the worst.....?
by teenyuck inname you could call an old, bitter, hateful, ungrateful, sour woman?
i need some options when i next speak to my mother-in-law...
Call her late for breakfast.
Dwelling Together In Love & Unity
by Farkel indear brothers and sisters,.
in these difficult and trying times we are so grateful to have jehovah's organization feed us the spiritual food we need at the proper time.
we are truly blessed that jehovah has used his organization to help us all continue to grow spiritually.
Funny post. Still laughing.
HELP!!! I need a name
by bluesapphire inwe can't agree on a name for our soon to be born baby boy.. i love the name tristen.
he hates it.. he wants a basic name like bobby, tony, etc.. is there a name that sounds like tristen but isn't?.
give me some ideas if you can.
Did anyone mention Galahad the purest and noblest knight of the Round Table?
The Antichrist?
by reporter inas posted here
if maitreya is the anti-christ, he sure is a lazy one!
the guy is holed up somewhere in london and is about middle aged by now.
Maybe it is the Watch Tower.
Where the hell is everyone????????
by Jesika in.
i have seen the board slow before but sheesh!!!!!!!
i understand the holidays are amoung us, but being that it's friday is everyone out partying (i will be later .
I am here. Reporting for duty.