March on, Soldier! What a great post,
when i was growing up i never watched cartoons.
i didn't play with other kids who were not of the same faith.
i didn't curse.
March on, Soldier! What a great post,
i read ladylees thread about her sister and realized how short life is, sometimes you loose track of time and don't even realize it.
we are all so busy with a million things and sometimes we forget to tell our brothers and sisters how we feel about them so i will take the time to tell them tonight how much i love them.
the following is a list of some of the things i love about my sisters.. .
Lady Lee's sad story really got to me. Such a sad, sad situation. Her sweet sister was taken away from her much too long ago, taken by the drugs that she learned to take to cope with hurt no child should ever, ever have to endure; now she has to deal with the final reality, she'll never have her sister again.
Yes, Life is Short. Just last week I found out my 'big' sister, whose handwriting I so admired that I tried to copy it over and over as a teenager....has pancreatic cancer. There are 3 of us, I am the middle sister. And I am the one they both come to, I have the broad shoulders to carry their burdens. At least I have had until now. We lost our only brother suddenly 5 yrs ago, and I organized our FIRST Sistas 4-ever Gathering last summer at this "big" sister's house in Idaho. We had a ball...went to a concert, hiked in the mountains, kayaked on the river...had a pj party,etc. God truly had that in His plan, as we had NO inkling any of us was sick. Now, just 2 short months later, she is planning how to fight this terminal disease.
Anyway, I am rambling but thank you for the opportunity to write about my sisters. They bring joy, laughter, tears into my life and at this moment I don't know how I'll live without my big sis. We have not been fortunate to live close to each other, but as we matured we all realized, esp after our brother died, that life in this world is not forever. I am glad we all have strong faith to get us through, and we all know we will be together again, God willing. I just hope I can see her one more time.
hey all!
i am new here and wanted to ask some advice.
i have been dating a disfellowshipped man for almost 3 years.
Welcome! You will learn a lot here. Most will tell you that you have a tough situation with no hope unless your
bf decides to get out of the JWs all the way. How much have you talked to him....what would he do if you did put up a Xmas Tree?
etc? Just he controlling you, nice as he is...but is he controlling you by your own choosing? It
appears so; you are giving up your belief system, your traditions aren't you?
There are those here who have turned their JW spouse around, but it is usually a long, tough process. Mind control
has done its damage. But it can be overcome.
Good luck,
i just got some news and am still shaking.
my sister died today.
i hardly knew her .
Prayers for you, your sister is at peace.
today we got a phone call from the "cancer treatment centers of america".. donna's niece left our phone number with them.
they offered among other things to fly donna and me to the seattle area and back home, free of charge to check out what they have to offer.. that started the the "if it sounds like its too good to be true" bells to begin to ring.. i did a search on google and found they had been brought to court by the feds for false advertising and paid a fine.. it is a privately owned, for profit corporation.. has anyone on this forum had experience with them?
or have any knowledge of this outfit??.
Sounds like a disgusting group to me! I've been told the American Cancer Association has help...have you called them
today at 3 pm i will take donna to the hospital for her examination.she is putting up a good front but i can tell that she is really scared about the possible outcome.. being a nurse for years, one gathers up a lot of knowledge and she does know a lot about the body and its failures.. she is scared and i am terrified.
her three sons and family will be there also.
so i won't be alone.. my few children in this area are still jw's and do not give a crap about me or donna being ill.. so they won't be there.
God bless you all, and Donna is in my prayers. I just found out yesterday that my big sis, my special, special big sis, has pancreatic cancer. Damn this monster. I pray for all of you. email me if you are up to it.
hi back again .has any body here been helped by shrinks?
i have seen psycholgists and psychiatrists off and for over 20 years and it .
hasnt helped me.
I feel that all therapy helps...IF the person getting it uses the tools they are taught. It's all about choice, just like everything else. The therapist helps you by teaching you how to deal with situations, etc. You can use those tools and work on yourself, or NOT use the tools. Therefore, just going to psych. doesn't always work.
im assuming this is finally it for me and my family.. i havent been to a meeting in probably 2 and a half months but im just considered weak by most i presume.
i had decided to let my son go trick or treating for the first time this year, after all my wife and i decided to raise him as a normal kid.
so last month when he came home from school and said to us "someone asked me at school what i as going to be for halloween and i told them batman", i just said "oh really" and acted excited for him.
Out of the mouths of babes is right...! LoL! I love this story....maybe you can thank Jehovah for using your little son as the channel through which he let this come out in the open. could look at it that way, Thank you Lord for the innocence of children. Yay!
Don't worry about them, you sound like you are doing just great.
our 15 year old dog died this afternoon..............with assistance from a veterinarian friend of rachel's (princess).
she was old, sick, and with multiple health issues.
it was a really hard decision, but the vet really helped ease my mind, by assuring me it was time.
I am so sorry for you, Mulan. This year we lost our sweet "Brew" who was our 16 year old Corgi and our
old Mama cat, 18 yoa! Animals are family, I know it is so hard to lose them.
Thinking of you,
hey everyone i know its been a while since i posted but today i felt the need.just wanted to update you all on my position which is still brainwashed!i just dont know what to do i gain my strength to conquer this disease,(thats what i call being born in the org) from others like freedom lover who have come out of this religon free and clear i know its not easy but i know it can be done.i dont know why i just cant get over it and move on already,but theres thats piece of me that says,but what if?then im back, screwed and tatooed with jdub on my forehead,thinking that jehovah is upset and dissapointed with me and satan has me in his stil sooo confused even with all the evidence pointing to they are full of crap!what if they arent?i just want to know the truth even if i dont choose to follow it,i want to know if jehovah is watching me torment myself every day,going back and forth and i cant take it anymore.then i think what if there is no jehovah?who the hell am i praying to with my daughter at night?
(the air mabe)you see my daughter still believes even though she is ready to celebrate halloween this year and yes we bought her a costume,cinderella!my mother comes and takes her every now and then only if i promise to go to some meetings and i did last weekend i attended the sunday meeting for once in a about 6 months!felt strange to be there but once again going to a different cong i got love bombed.btw i feel guilty and scared about having anything to do with halloween this year.yup still dealing with the guilt,fear,agony,of knowing and believing in the dubs,for so long now trying desperately to get out without feeling the way i do.i just dont know what to do anymore and its a shame because the dubs have sucked the life out of me(guess i didnt check my doubts soon enough).if i dont get off the fence soon im going to go nuts.i like believeing that satan doesnt even exist and that there is no heavenly me peace of mind that i can just live my life,if theres a god,fine,is it jehovah?thats where the conflict arises and i cant just go on with my life thinking jehovah has lost me to the other side!
!im not a lost cause yet guys.i need new light!
AG: Do you want your own precious daughter to go through these feelings (see your previous post below)?? Thnk about it. YOU are on the Right track now to the Truth...happiness, contentment with your own family (hubby and daughter).
Re: Embarrased that you were a JW? | ||
Post 13 of 23 since 17-Jul-05 | Tell me about it i was wicked embarrased to go knocking on doors as a kid and teen out in service.I would make up every excuse in the world to get out of going to the doors.It never worked i always had to go,sometimes i would pretend to ring the bell(if the door had a bell) and i would walk away quick if no one came to the door after like 1 knock.LOL. The worst thing was when i went to a door and one of my schoolmates lived there,o god just kill me.I was so afraid to be the laughing stock of my school,me and my sisters.Luckily i wasnt.It was almost equally embarrasing to stand up at the flag salute and b the only one without your hand over your heart and everyone looking at you like,"Whats with her?" |