The toll is mounting; God help those poor people. I went to some websites of various churches
and found most of them are helping, such as, what is posted below. BUT there is nothing on the JW website except their usual propaganda about persecution of the JW's. So much for brotherly love.
Largest Earthquake in 40 Years Strikes Asia
A 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck the Bay of Bengal, off the coast of Indonesia, on December 26. It generated a tsunami with waves as high as 30 feet crashing to shore, causing extensive damage and loss of life in surrounding countries.
Catholic Relief Services has initially committed $500,000 to provide shelter and immediate healthcare needs to thousands of victims. CRS and its local partners immediately mobilized to the hardest-hit coastal areas of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.
i know you come tothis site to check out if this is the only way to talk toyou then i will do it and make it all public.....for all my true friends to see....i know that i didnt protect you from your step father....the blessed annointed one who made allof our lives a living hell....i was the parent,,you were the child,,,and the children are the future...(maybe home is where the heart is giving up to the one.....we spend all of our lives going out of our minds,,,looking back to our birth, those who stood up for love in spite of the hate.....) those are words of a song by live called they stood up for love....... i was in the midst of a mind--bending cult,,for so many years...and i know all of my children have suffered in one way or the other...even tho only one is still an active witness...we are all scarred and will always be...but my love for you and your brothers and sisters is the one true thing i can give you.... please dont take my grand children away from me..seeing them the other day for that brief moment gave me such happiness---i think back to the happy times when they were born and i was there for two of many grand parents can say that....they will never know their grand pa ,,but dear daughter please dont take away their grand mother who loves them soooo much..... life is too short...each day is precious...please lets get back to forgiveness and some kind of sweet co other daughter wrote a precious,,caring letter that made me cry and cry..... i would never come between you and your know that...and i know he is under alot of pressure,,and i care about him very much,, he is the father of my darling grand kids..and done so much for me and my children....i know i can never repay him for all he has done...i just hope he knows that i love him too.
please my first born...know that not a day goes by that i dont think of the wonderful..strong..person you have become,,and how very proud of you i have the chance to be the better mother to your 3 children...without the influence of a dangerous cult plaguing your every move..and iknow my grand children will grow strong,, happy and well adjusted because of you and their father/.... again please find it in your heart to forgive me...i need you in my life to make it complete for this journey would not be complete without you in it .......
Wildfire, bless you. I have a daughter myself and we have our "moments" but have not been through an experience like yours. I do know that time heals, and I hope for you and your daughter to achieve a well-deserved peaceful relationship when the time is right. Take care.
Hi Peggy and Welcome! I don't post very often but want to say you are not alone; you will learn much if you stick around here. As in the "real world" there are all types of people here. That's how we learn and discern. You have every right to be bitter about your experience, that should not happen to anyone. Any chance of filing charges against the therapist?
Teach these things to the children." Santa brought out a beautiful wreath made of fresh, fragrant greenery tied with a bright red bow. "The bow reminds us of the bond of perfection, which is love. The wreath embodies all the good things about Christmas for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand. It contains the colors of red and green and the heaven-turned needles of the evergreen. The bow tells the story of good will towards all and its color reminds us of Christ's sacrifice. Even its very shape is symbolic, representing eternity and the eternal nature of Christ's love. It is a circle, without beginning and without end. These are the things you must teach the children." I asked, "But where does that leave you Santa?" The tears gone now from his eyes, a smile broke over Santa's face. "Why bless you, my dear," he laughed, "I'm only a symbol myself. I represent the spirit of family fun and the joy of giving and receiving. If the children are taught these other things, there is no danger that I'll ever be forgotten." "I think I'm beginning to understand." "That's why I came," said Santa. "You're an adult. If you don't teach the children these things, then who will?" ---Author Unknown
Now What's latest posting brought this to mind. "Pagan" or "worldly" ways can be used to teach the REAL TRUTH. This went around on the 'net last year, and even though it is a story, it has truth in it. I hope it is not too lengthy ... if someone can tell me how to post it better, let me know! Merry Christmas to all, you are great!
Teach these things to the children." Santa brought out a beautiful wreath made of fresh, fragrant greenery tied with a bright red bow. "The bow reminds us of the bond of perfection, which is love. The wreath embodies all the good things about Christmas for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand. It contains the colors of red and green and the heaven-turned needles of the evergreen. The bow tells the story of good will towards all and its color reminds us of Christ's sacrifice. Even its very shape is symbolic, representing eternity and the eternal nature of Christ's love. It is a circle, without beginning and without end. These are the things you must teach the children." I asked, "But where does that leave you Santa?" The tears gone now from his eyes, a smile broke over Santa's face. "Why bless you, my dear," he laughed, "I'm only a symbol myself. I represent the spirit of family fun and the joy of giving and receiving. If the children are taught these other things, there is no danger that I'll ever be forgotten." "I think I'm beginning to understand." "That's why I came," said Santa. "You're an adult. If you don't teach the children these things, then who will?" ---Author Unknown
You are right, Sweet, we are all God's children. We have each been given the Free will by Him to live as we choose. Don't come here Defensive and ready to condemn those who have suffered. Read on, learn, and pray...but pray for yourself that your eyes and your mind will be opened. I dare you.
You are no doubt satisfied with your JW life. But most of those here are damaged due to the teachings of the JW organization...the shunning by their families, losing loved ones due to the no blood MIsinterpretation. Please stay around, you might have a lot to learn. And it won't all be Smiley faces...but, Real Life Stories. Because, you see, this evil world is a Real World, not a fantasy world of Jw'ism.
I have a family member searching for a group to connect with for an OCD. Can anyone help me? I'm not really internet savvy, but know you are all so good with answers, thought I'd try here! Thanks.