LMAO...a lion with a beachball? Find that picture somebody, I wanna see
JoinedPosts by AuntieJane
what's the deal in the 'new system'?
by Pleasuredome inof course i wouldnt want to encourage speculation, but when i was involved in the jws there was sometimes talk of what would or wouldn't be in/acceptable in 'the new system'.
i heard some happifying comments like there wont be any electric guitars or transport, and we wont be wearing clothes but we'll still have seasons
My JW G.F.-- Told parents about wanting to marry me. UPDATE
by PAJA inwell as from my earlier posts, my jw gf told her parents she wanted to marry me last saturday.
they gave her the guilt treatment about not being a good jw and how marrage to a non jw is a sin etc.
and when i saw her monday she said she could not marry me anymore.
Show your maturity and leave her alone for awhile. Try to find some other people to spend time with. Put the ball in her court and let her communicate to you when and if she is ready.
It is only for your own well-being, these people who have lived in a JW/NonJW relationship speak VOLUMES. Please listen to them. I TOTALLY understand how hard it is when you love someone so much. But, believe me, time does heal. If she is not mature enough to want to get out of under her parent's control, you need to be the strong one. Don't live a life of stress over this kind of situation; LIFE Is Much Too Short! Enjoy it.
best to you,
When the cats away - how do you meeces play?
by Crumpet inwhen your other half is out of town, or you just have the luxury of being alone, what is your favourite way of passing the time?
Control of the Remote; NO cooking unless I feel like it ! A couple glasses of wine and a salad instead of making a meal is heaven. I like my alone time just fine. (My hubby's gone now for a few days btw, so this is my plan for this evening).
Will a joint a day keep the doctor away???
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.cnn.com/2005/health/conditions/04/06/marijuana.heart.disease.ap/index.html
maybe smoke a doobie with that glass of wine!
experts: marijuana ingredient slows heart disease in mice.
I'm in favor of medical MJ, but to put your family's happiness in jeopardy over your choice to use it illegally is just plain stupid, IMO. It's WAY not worth it. I've seen too many lives screwed up by drugs of all kinds.
Liquid refreshments fill the void just fine. Simon, we need a Glass of Wine GIF !!
My first anti-witness
by cheeseman inthe bell went this morning at 10am.
wtf is that?
lo and behold...two jw's at the door!!!.
Woo-wee Cheeseman, You did Great! Keep us posted. I'm looking forward to the Sequel...Cheeseman Anti-Witness II. "See how he handles the Dubs at the Door"..."Cheeseman, SUPER Anti-witness, ready to take on the world of the Brainwashed " !
New here...
by smorgle inhello everyone... this is my first post.
i stumbled upon this board a few hours ago, so i trolled for a bit and i like the discussions..
Hi Smorgle, what a cute name. We are an eclectic mix here; you will probably like some of us all the time, most of us none of the time, many of us....OH WELL, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here! I never was a JW but came here to learn because of family and friends who are/were.
Please Please PLEASE post some words of encouragement to my JW friend......
by PAJA ini will try to make this quick...... .
i have been with this wonderfull woman in a "relationship" for almost one year now (ive known her for 3 years).
she is jw and obviously i'm not, our relationship has gone almost exactly like many of the ones discribed here, hiding from parents, familly, church, etc.
Cynthia, How wonderful to have a friend like yours who loves you so much. You are truly blessed. I am not a Jehovah's Witness, but am a mother of a now 20-something daughter who came here on this site to learn of their teachings. You see, my daughter was dating a very nice JW guy, we thought so much of him. But he had been taught things that just did not seem to be truly from God. I did a lot of research. What I found I shared with him; we had a beautiful experience together reading from many Bible translations, finding verses that did show us what God does want for our lives.
I can only encourage you to listen to your heart, you are an adult and can make your own decision. Read cruzanheart's posting, and read it again. It is excellent.
Peace to you and your good friend, I wish you the best.
I wonder what JWs are saying about...
by kaykay_mp inpope john paul ii's death?
if anyone has been to the meetings lately and if any of the brothers and sisters (ha!
) had any comments about it, please share them here.
Just for curiosity, I went to several major Protestant websites, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian. Found very warm messages about the death of the Pope on each. But SURPRIZE SURPRIZE, not a word on the Jehovah Witness site, or I guess it is the Watchtower Bible & Track Sosassity Site.
JW Reaction to Pope's death
by Hondo ini'm not sure how to ask this not being, never have been, a jw.
with millions, maybe billions, of people around the globe paying their respects to this great man, what is, or what would be, reaction from jw's (a gb member, a co, do, an elder, anyone?
) about the death of the pope and all the network(s) coverage surrounding his passing?
I'm not a JW either; did they hold services on Sunday? Anyone hear any other comments about the Pope? Or do they just meet on
Tuesday nights?
Bless you Papa
by AuntieJane inthe pope is called papa in italy.
he may be a shell of the man he was, but many in this world have experience peace because of the work he did in his lifetime.
here is how he was instrumental in fighting communism.
Melissa seems to have left for awhile; I posted a question to her about her remarks and haven't heard a word since. I would like to know where her info came from.