What a story! Sometimes you have to wait quite a while for a happy ending, huh? Glad you found your happiness.
JoinedPosts by pennycandy
Starting diet again.
by greendawn ini have started my diet two days ago because eating too many nuts and chocolates over a couple of months made me gain quite a bit of weight.
now i have to lose 10kg (22 pounds)and in this diet i will be doing 1800 calories per day and go for a one hour walk along the beach.
no chocolates, biscuits, cakes, crisps (chips) or nuts and i should be on target by mid september.
Starting diet again.
by greendawn ini have started my diet two days ago because eating too many nuts and chocolates over a couple of months made me gain quite a bit of weight.
now i have to lose 10kg (22 pounds)and in this diet i will be doing 1800 calories per day and go for a one hour walk along the beach.
no chocolates, biscuits, cakes, crisps (chips) or nuts and i should be on target by mid september.
Going to Whole Foods later, so I'll look into the supplements. Thanks, Gill.
Great tips, everyone. Here's another: after dinner, brush your teeth and put on your pajamas. Psychologically telling yourself you're done with eating for the day.
I'm not a big nut-eater, but a couple tablespoons at about 120 calories is a great snack. They may contain quite a bit of fat, but pack a great appetite-suppresing punch. And nuts like Brazilians are good for your heart.
Starting diet again.
by greendawn ini have started my diet two days ago because eating too many nuts and chocolates over a couple of months made me gain quite a bit of weight.
now i have to lose 10kg (22 pounds)and in this diet i will be doing 1800 calories per day and go for a one hour walk along the beach.
no chocolates, biscuits, cakes, crisps (chips) or nuts and i should be on target by mid september.
I would love to have somewhere, maybe this thread(?) to track our progress. I'm down 14 pounds so far, with about 15 more to go to get my pre-childbirthX3 body back.
Oh, knowledgeable Gill, if you're still here and willing to share, my problem is a life-long sweettooth. My diet is pretty good, but my sugar cravings are ENORMOUS. Even when cutting out processed sugar, I'm sure I could probably adjust what I eat to help alleviate it. Doesn't any carbs I eat have the same effect on my cravings as sugar? Low-calorie is not a big problem for me, smaller portions are not a problem, exercise is not a problem. I just spend all day dying for pancakes or a jelly biscuit or chocolate.
Neomadman, excuse me for being nosey, but your love story sounds very interesting. Have you posted it to the board? Would you like to? Congratulations on your amazing progress!
Good luck everyone else! I'll be watching how it's going with you guys.
2 witness rule
by pennycandy ina few months ago i read a terrific refutation of the 2 witness rule.
i don't remember if it was a post on this forum or an article on another website, but i'd love to find it again.
it showed scriptually and logically how deut 19:15 has been inappropriately applied, especially to child abuse cases.
I've never read this article but it is very informative. Amazing how the WTS will pick a few words out of a scripture, ignore the rest, and present a principle as concrete law, ignoring all common sense. Especially in the case of the two witness rule and child abuse.
Very well-written. Thank you!
2 witness rule
by pennycandy ina few months ago i read a terrific refutation of the 2 witness rule.
i don't remember if it was a post on this forum or an article on another website, but i'd love to find it again.
it showed scriptually and logically how deut 19:15 has been inappropriately applied, especially to child abuse cases.
Haven't read Sussana yet. I'll make a note to do that, thanks.
GG, I thought I might find it at Silentlambs, too. It seems to contain mainly news stories, personal experienced, and resources. There doesn't seem to be too much doctrinal information.
Thanks, guys. I'm sure I'll run across it again.
On behalf of all lurkers...
by marked in... i'd like to say a big thank you to all you regular posters.
i've been here as long or longer than many of you with hundreds of posts, but even though i don't often hit "reply" it doesn't mean i'm not responding.
and i think i speak for many of us here.
As another lurker, (too busy to post, only skim), I can assure you that many like me have pages of notes from your posts. Links, good points, research, experiences. I know that I've plagerized many posters' eloquent remarks more than they probably realize.
This place is a wealth of information!
2 witness rule
by pennycandy ina few months ago i read a terrific refutation of the 2 witness rule.
i don't remember if it was a post on this forum or an article on another website, but i'd love to find it again.
it showed scriptually and logically how deut 19:15 has been inappropriately applied, especially to child abuse cases.
A few months ago I read a terrific refutation of the 2 witness rule. I don't remember if it was a post on this forum or an article on another website, but I'd love to find it again. It showed scriptually and logically how Deut 19:15 has been inappropriately applied, especially to child abuse cases.
Anyone have something like this in their favorites?
Pea up his nose!
by pennycandy inhas this happened to anyone else's kids?
my 18 month-old is the only one of my three to ever do this.. he actually stuck 3 of them up there, but i squished the first one out then pulled out the 2nd one with tweezers.
but i can barely see another one way back.
GREAT suggestions, guys! You'll be happy to know I didn't try any of them, except the pepper.
I tried to look again a couple hours later and it was gone. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I'm going to call his dr tomorrow and double-check I know what to keep an eye out for in case he sucked it in instead of out.
The joys of motherhood . . .
Pea up his nose!
by pennycandy inhas this happened to anyone else's kids?
my 18 month-old is the only one of my three to ever do this.. he actually stuck 3 of them up there, but i squished the first one out then pulled out the 2nd one with tweezers.
but i can barely see another one way back.
I stuck a couple of chocolate chips up there when I was little. They melted fairly quickly.
Pea up his nose!
by pennycandy inhas this happened to anyone else's kids?
my 18 month-old is the only one of my three to ever do this.. he actually stuck 3 of them up there, but i squished the first one out then pulled out the 2nd one with tweezers.
but i can barely see another one way back.
Water with baking soda, huh?
How about some KY?