JoinedTopics Started by pennycandy
Help me find post-armaggedon story
by pennycandy incan't find it in search.
it's a fictional diary about a jw after armaggedon.
starts off with praise and joy, ends up with guns and one tyrannical elder taking charge.. it's not "day one" on freeminds, but it's similar.
Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
by pennycandy inin discussing with witnesses the need to belong to an organization, they will often point to acts 8:26-31, emphasizing the need to be taught by someone what the bible means.. short summary: philip heard a man reading aloud scripture in his chariot, asked him if he understood it, the man said how can i unless someone teaches me, so philip taught him.. sounds like a good point, huh?
not when you give it a little thought.. what was the man reading from?
the book of isaiah, a prophecy about the lamb.
My dear atheist posters, what would you recommend . . .
by pennycandy infor a reliable, accurate study of the authenticity of the bible and/or the existence of god?.
Biblically, when should blood be poured out?
by pennycandy inmost notaby, this was done when an animal was killed for food.
does the bible mention any other times blood is to be poured onto the ground?
how about when an animal was killed in self-defense, but not eaten?
Sims 2
by pennycandy inokay, i made this great neighborhood full of outlandish people.
i had a snake family, a tiger family, a demon family, a fleshless family, etc, really cool.
i raised up their kids and started to intermingle them to see what kind of horrid offspring they would produce.
5 years ago this week
by pennycandy in.
i went to my last meeting.
since then i've been through all the stages of grief, have a new family, two more babies, a spouse now in remission, had many ups and downs, and more contentment and self-respect than i ever had bgo (before getting out).. .
Not swearing is proof of the "truth"
by pennycandy inthis was a said by my jw relative to my never-been-jw husband this weekend, during a conversation about the prevalence of swearing.. "my friend maria's husband [was unbelieving mate, now a witness] always swore like a sailor.
he said he could see jehovah's witnesses had the truth because they didn't use bad language.".
for all the reasons for believing jw's have the truth, this was a new one to me..
What could I say?
by pennycandy inlet's say you go back to your hometown for a family funeral.
you're not df'd or da'd, but most haven't heard from you for many years.
you know you'll get the inevitable "so are you going to meetings?