I did lousy. I need to read more.
JoinedPosts by pennycandy
by RichieRich inbecause i was bored....
knock yourself out..
JW nudists (aka What's wrong with this picture?)
by melmoth insorry if this has come up before but i'm new and it only just occurred to me.
we all remember (or still see regularly, joe-help-you) those wt illustrations of people living happily in a paradise on earth, cavorting peacefully with the animals.
everyone is dressed like retired wasps (no offense to retired wasps intended).
Oh, for Pete's sake, can't they ever just say, "We really don't know"? Do they have to speculate an answer for every little thing?
Lend me your Apostapowers, trying to help someone out of the org
by wanderlustguy inok, i'm finally starting some dialogue with my brother, i've let him know that i have questions that no one can answer, and he says to send them over so he can either answer them or get answers, and that no question is disallowed or "apostate".
he sent me an article (from 08.15.04 wt, thanks blondie!
) via e-mail, on which i pointed out one simple question on reply to him, which he has replied to.
Honest would be a more accurate term. Example the greatest man book,chapter 111 is mostly wrong.(see wt 95 Oct.15) But it was honest. The best answer there was at the time if you will. And there are other examples.
Honest is good. And honest may occasionally also be true. But if an "honest" organization doesn't always mean "true", then they have no right to demand absolute obedience.
Lend me your Apostapowers, trying to help someone out of the org
by wanderlustguy inok, i'm finally starting some dialogue with my brother, i've let him know that i have questions that no one can answer, and he says to send them over so he can either answer them or get answers, and that no question is disallowed or "apostate".
he sent me an article (from 08.15.04 wt, thanks blondie!
) via e-mail, on which i pointed out one simple question on reply to him, which he has replied to.
If you're going to further discuss the faithful&discreet slave, have him look closely at the scripture (Matt 24:45-51).Where does the Bible even insinuate that these few verses are anything more than one simple parable, surrounded by many other parables?
Where does it imply that the slave in this parable represents a group of men in the 20th century?
If the vast majority of Christ's true followers (great crowd) would have to be under the submission and education of this small handful of men at the most crucial time in history, wouldn't Jehovah have given us more than one simple parable in a few verses to tell us this? I would think if the everlasting life of millions of people depended on submitting to the f&ds, it would be spelled out pretty clearly for us.
Also notice that the parable doesn't say there was a faithful slave. It mentions one slave, and gives an example of what would happen if the slave acted wisely, and what would happen if the slave acted foolishly.
In light of the many times Jesus tells us to come to him for life, where is the scriptural basis for adding another layer of management and insisting that no one can come to Jehovah except through them?
Good luck with your brother! I doubt anything you can throw at him will make him leave the org, but if you can make him think, it may be the first step.
Keep us posted . . .
Question for Christians
by Ticker inok i just have a few questions ive always wanted to ask.
this is open to non christians as well.
can christians actually somehow communicate with the lord like ive heard and read so many times.
You know how sometimes you can "feel" someone behind you before you actually see them? I feel God's presence is sort of like that. It's nothing you can put your finger on, but it's obvious it's there.
Aside from those personal feelings, no, I don't know of any hard proof of anyone communicating with God.
Are you fooling yourself by believing in God and praying? Maybe. No one can prove He exists, or that He doesn't. Personally, I'm happier believing He does and that I have somewhere to go after I die. It's comforting to think He's with me when I need it.
I don't think my life would be any different if I wasn't a Christian, except that I wouldn't make the occasional church service that I do now when I feel like it. I don't give money to God. I usually slip $5 in the basket to cover the childcare they're providing.
I all boils down to what do you feel comfortable with. If you come to the conclusion you don't believe in God, you should be satisfied in that belief. If you think maybe there is a God, He doesn't ask for much. You don't have to trudge to church every week, tithe, or try to convert people. Believing takes faith, but not that much effort.
You're not going to get proof either way. You don't have a deadline to decide what you believe. If there is a God I imagine He would understand why perfectly intelligent, good people may come to conclusion that He doesn't exist. If you feel like it, keep praying and leave the door open. It'll only cost you a few moments.
Little Matthew at the Kingdom Hall
by pennycandy inwhen my oldest child was about three we were in a kingdom hall with quite a few kids.
my son was frequently brought to the back room, not for a spanking, but to stretch his legs and take a break.
later diagnosed with adhd, he could not sit quietly if his life depended on it.
I'm always behind in reading the current threads; leave it to me to double-up on a topic.
I don't know all that was going on with Matthew. I didn't know the family outside of the kingdom hall. I never saw any bruises or anything, just a happy energetic kid who learned how to be a "good little witness child". I seemed to be the only one who was taken aback by the change in him. Everyone else thought it was wonderful and proves what a little discipline can do. He would be about 12 now.
I'll read Richie's thread tonight when I scan today's topics.
I LOVE the kids' programs at my church.
Little Matthew at the Kingdom Hall
by pennycandy inwhen my oldest child was about three we were in a kingdom hall with quite a few kids.
my son was frequently brought to the back room, not for a spanking, but to stretch his legs and take a break.
later diagnosed with adhd, he could not sit quietly if his life depended on it.
When my oldest child was about three we were in a kingdom hall with quite a few kids. My son was frequently brought to the back room, not for a spanking, but to stretch his legs and take a break. Later diagnosed with ADHD, he could not sit quietly if his life depended on it.Every meeting we would frequently pass little Matthew with his mommy on the way to their latest spanking session. Matthew was all boy, rambunctious and teasing and all over the room wanting to tell everyone his latest knock-knock joke. He was full of spirit and a handful at the meetings. He would always wink at the people behind them when his mother wasn’t watching.
The brothers and sisters would roll their eyes each time he was carried screaming down the isle for another readjustment. They would pat his mother on the arm and say, “I know it’s hard, but just stick to your guns and he’ll learn”, while she sighed and nodded.
Of course it didn’t help that the only other boy his age besides mine was Toby, a blue-eyed, blonde, angelic child who could easily sit, hands clasped on his lap, eyes forward, for two hours. Toby also supposedly took copious notes during the talks and had his own magazine route. I suppose being compared to Toby didn’t make it any easier for poor little Matthew.
Matthew’s mother was single and had a handful of other children also. She finally caught the eye of a younger man, childless, inexperienced, and they married. The brothers immediately counseled him on taking the lead in disciplining the children. The mother was so relieved to have help in dealing with such an incorrigible child. Now it was the new dad’s turn to take Matthew to the back during the meetings. And things began to change.
Within a couple months Matthew was brought to the back much less. He was learning to sit quietly and not run around before and after the meetings. We sat directly behind Matthew’s family one Sunday and waited for him to wink at me. He never turned around. He spent the meeting looking at his hands. Once his mother handed him a notepad and a pencil, and he took them without looking up and started drawing. New dad whispered something in mom’s ear and she turned around and grabbed the pad and paper back and put them in her purse. Matthew didn’t protest, didn’t even look up, just went back to staring at his hands.
I watched him when the meeting was over. He stood right by the side of either parent, taking a step when they did. He didn’t respond when the brothers and sisters patted him on the head and told him what a good boy he’s become. We moved and faded soon after that so I don’t know whatever became of Little Matthew.
You hear about children having their spirits broken, but it’s a sad sad thing to watch.
Just to point out to any active witnesses, child development experts say that a child can’t be expected to sit quietly for an hour until they are about seven years old. They’re not being bad, they just aren’t able to sit through an entire meeting. Spanking them doesn’t help them develop faster, it just makes everyone miserable and ensures they will hate the meetings.
Next weekend is a four day weekend for me. WHAT SHOULD I DO???
by Elsewhere ini just realized that i have a paid holiday next weekend.
i will be off july 1 - 4th.
i have no idea what to do with all of that free time.
Hmmm, ever been to a shooting range? ; I bet you'd like it a lot more than you realize!
I have three kids, a very opinionated husband, and about 40 JW family members. I just might like it too much!
Next weekend is a four day weekend for me. WHAT SHOULD I DO???
by Elsewhere ini just realized that i have a paid holiday next weekend.
i will be off july 1 - 4th.
i have no idea what to do with all of that free time.
We're going to watch two fireworks shows from the boat on the lake, then go blow some up on the shore. Wanna come?
But you can't bring your gun.
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
I for one thoroughly enjoy these threads. I find them interesting and informative. The only way it could be more fun would be to see it live.