Hey Des!
No, I don't really think so. I might be wrong - it sure is an enduring book. I think it was written by schizophrenics....to confusing, complicated and meaningless. What are we supposed to do with it all anyway? What's the point? If it was inspired by a loving god I think it would read more like it was intended to be read by a normal human being.
I read a book called Conversations With God. I loved it and I think god communicates that way with me. Not by telling stories that seem to be literal but logically and scientifically could never have happened. (the flood, the talking snake, Jonah and the big fish, oh - and who was that guy that god told to kill his son - but then right at the last second - said "psych - just testing you!" C'mon!!! Really god!)
Just my 2 cents worth.
Good question!