From what I can see, it's nearly impossible to reason with a Witness, even if you might consider them somewhat intelligent.
Is It Possible To Reason With A Typical Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus 117 Replies latest jw friends
No , it is not possible . After 28yrs i give up.
I think JWs can go to only a certain point and then their brain shuts down.
Doubtfully Yours
Nope! They're right and the whole world is wrong!
They do reach a point. When i would confront my husband i could see the wet-tower wheels turning in his head on what he should now say and think.
hell yea! You can reason with a witness..... but it's like pissin' up a rope.
Hill ( I do ok 'till their eyes glaze over class)
franklin J
min...are your kidding?
been there, done that.
why would anyone want to reason with JWs ; that they have all the answers; they know it all. More importanly, they are convinced that they have God in their pockets? Reason with them? Bring a hard hat....
JWs believe what they believe because they need to. There is some type of issue that drives them to blindly believe, unfortunatly most are not willing to look at what the underlying issue is in their lifes.
They live a lie so they don't have to look at the truth.
No, they cannot reason. Their governing body has to give them the answers. Otherwise they get lost and scared. They only think in the way that the up state guys want them to think. And by following their "guidelines", a typical jw thinks he/she is exercising a free will.
Absolutely not!
My father is reasonably intelligent. But when it comes to things critical of Dubby-ism, his eyes roll up in his head, and he begins to droll out the sides of his mouth.
Not to mention, after his pace maker was implanted last year, I felt it best not to get the old guy worked up. Not that he has a temper, mind you. I only saw him lose his temper twice in my life.