There are some good points here that I've never heard before! I think the whole "what day did Jesus die" one always bugged me, since the Publications(tm) seemed to be silent on it.
But there are some here that my old JW training CAN refute, based on the notion that if two accounts seem contradictory, they BOTH must be true since the bible is inerrant. Not that it matters really, since I've lost faith in the bible anyway:
What color was Jesus' cloak? Scarlet or purple?
Easy. It was reddish-purple.
Genesis chapter 1:11-26 says that green vegetation was created BEFORE humans. Then at Genesis 2:4, an entirely different account starts over: Genesis chapter 2:5-7 says that humans were created BEFORE vegetation!
This one's along the lines of God only beginning to create flora before humans, and that there's nothing saying he stopped creating new kinds after humans came on the scene.
(also before the Sun and Moon and stars)
They only became visible after the other things were created. They were always there! Neat, huh?
The easiest contradiction is no particular verse, but the over all theme of free will. The puts a wrench in everything, did Pharaoh, Judas, or Cyrus (if the prophecy really was told before it happened), did any of them have a choice or free will?
I read something about God using certain individuals for certain purposes for only a certain time. After they were "used" he let them go about their business again, including allowing them the choice to continue to serve him or not. Doesn't really answer the free will question, but that's what I learned.
My favourite stretch was "How did Judas die?" Did he hang himself or get dashed on rocks? Answer: BOTH! He hung himself over a cliff THEN THE ROPE/BRANCH SNAPPED AND HE FELL ON ROCKS! Quite a macabre imagination required for that one.