Hey Scoob,
At least the priests and vicars visit their people in the hospital. That's more than the JW's I was involved with for over 30 years did when my wife was dying ...........when my father was dying...............and when my mother was dying...................all in a period of 2 years.
Two weeks after my wife died the memorial talk was given...........some of the ones she grew up with in the "truth?" didn't even show up for the talk. One JW showed up for the visitation when my Dad died. Two JW's from the KH I transferd to came to my Mom's visitation. (she was DF'd in 1973 because she liked tobacco, but she still defended the crazy shit til' she died! ) 25 years of shunning of her and she still thought most of them were ok........What a waste of precious love! They are all STEPFORD PEOPLE (have you seen the Stepford Wife movie? A new version is coming out.............all of them are .F@?K#%G ZOMBIES!