Lady Lee,
Thank you for that post and others you have made. Posts like this make me happy I joined the board.
It took time, but when I finally became free it was very relieving. No more being a goose stepping robot and able to form my own opinions.
I see how all of this applies to those still in. It's actually pity and not hate and disdain that I feel. When I see how my brother in law and his wife and his two married kids with their respective mates have no life or real friends, and have to schedule everything around the meetings and service, and to have some relief from all of this, they turn to too much alchohol. It is amusing in a way because when I was an elder and consumed with it all, I turned to overuse of alchohol to escape it and was thought less of when I resigned and went to a 12 step program. This was when I started to see that there were "real" people in the world, that they had the same wants and hurts and were not the "bad" association that I was coerced to believe. I actually enjoyed being with them. And now here is my brother in law, an ex elder himself, escaping through too much alchohol. Maybe like me, this family will one day have open eyes.
When I read so much of this, it only reenforces my thinking and tells me I made the right choice of leaving.
Again.......thank you.