Funny you should ask this today since I just got a letter from my attorney today.
On October 6 of last year I was riding my Harley and heading for home. Just 3 blocks from my house someone came through a stopsign and broadsided me. The Harley was totaled and I spent two days in the trauma unit. Thankfully there were no broken bones or internal injuries.........but I still lost over a week of work and there was enough muscle damage that I couldn't walk right for over a month.
My advice is to get an attorney no matter how little physical injury you have. It has taken over a year but it looks like I should get a check in the mail soon........and even after attorney fees..........it will be more than I would have got just dealing with the other guys insurance company.
I forgot to add: As far as settlement of medical............my own medical insurance paid for everything and they are not interested in recouping it from the other guys insurance company. The only thing I have to pay out of the settlement is tha ambulance bill....$650.00 and the attorney fee.....30% This is what has taken so long. the attorney told me that he had to wait for a reply from my insurance provider to see if they wanted their money back. They never replied to him within the alloted time.......so I should get a nice check soon. (HOPEFULLY)
And by the way............the other guys insurance paid me $1,700.00 more than I paid for this classic Harley. Only problem is.........this was a custom bike with engraved chrome all over that would cost over $5,000 today just for the engraving. It was a real loss............but at least I have pictures of the bike. The guy I bought it from paid $3,000 just for the engraving back in 1985.......and $3,000 just for the paint job back then. I know this to be true because he had all the receipts for me when I bought it. Worst thing about owning a classic is that insurance carriers won't insure them for what they are worth.....only for the year that they were manufactured. Now........me being uninformed at the time........maybe there are insurance carriers who will.............for a great amount of $$ insure classic bikes.......but I did not know this at the time...........
OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhh sorry.............I'm rambling on...........this question was just about medical. SORRY!
Hope I have helped a little.
PM me in a week or so and I will tell you how much I got, and if I'm going to buy another Harley out of it.