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Posts by Zuko
Try to beat my score...
by JH inhttp://www.vox.de/flash/game.html
all you have to do is press on the right arrow as fast as you can to gain speed....then press on the spacebar when you get just before the wall.
i made a score of 784 meters.
the creation book
by mama inwhen the tsuami, not sure if i spelled that correctly, hit and information poured in my husband made a comment i had never even thought of, the news report that he was watching had scientists on explaining how the t had actually nocked the earth off its orbital course, to which he says, " i guess they will have to throw out the creation book now", of course meaning the references in the book about how life could not exist under any circumstances other than the current orbit,etc.
well, now that the earth is rotating on a different orbit, life still exists.
p.s., i am not a scientist in any way and if i have explained this incorrectly, feel free to enlighten me.
The change in orbit was so small it is completely insignificant. They think the earth in that instant spin faster by about 100th of a second and the orbit didnt change but the axis moved by a few millimeters. Both are not worth thinking about. Besides this must have happened in the past before anyways since quakes of that strenght have been recorded before.
What do you think of this? Is he nuts or not?
by Zuko inlook at this guys auction.
is he nuts or can this possibly be true.
Look at this guys auction
Is he nuts or can this possibly be true. Seems to me it is a lot of trouble for the WBTS to go through.
Quit yer whining and get back to work!
by ColdRedRain in.
god damn it, it's already november and there's still no hockey!
i'm waiting for dallas to get owned by the wild again and the only place i'm going to see that is on my playstation!
I could not agree with you more. I still have shakes from the withdrawl sometimes. Look for Buffalo to take it all next year.
Can anyone help me? Need advice ...
by Simon ini need a bit of advice as i'm at my wits end.... i've suspected that my missus may be having an affair.
you know the sort of thing.
the phone rings, i answer, someone hangs up.. recently she has started going out 'with the girls' a lot and when i ask which girls it's always "just some friends from work, you don't know them".. i always used to keep an eye out for her taxi coming home but now she always walks up to the house although i can hear a car setting off as if she has just got out of one around the corner.. the other day i picked up her mobile, just to see what time it was, and she went mental, screaming at me that i should never touch her phone again and why was i checking up on her.. anyway, i have never approached the subject with her.
That was funny. Nice one
by Happy Guy :) ini am in need of a favour.
i am trying to locate a copy of an article from awake october 8, 2004. page 13. entitled, "jehovah, you found me!
anyone with access to this article and the ability to scan and post it; please do.. .
Is it just me or does this story just sound like a load of crap. I could not imagine having my own sunday meeting by myself when I was 14. I know some people are more disposed to certain types of behavior than others but come on. This girl should have grow up to be Mother Terisa. If she was 18 in 83 them she was 14 in 78, was that song even around then? They came out with a new songbook in the early eighties. Was it in the previous one?
I remember thinking some of the stories I heard in the hall when I was growing up sounded a little too good to be true. Remember the WT study artical with the story of the guy that witnessed to a dog and the owner became a witness. If I guy came up to my cat and started to talk about god to it I would think he was out of his mind.
How much would you say the average JW donates in $$$ ?????
by run dont walk inregarding donations, what would you say the average jw would donate in $$$ in a one year span.. some are richer then others, some have no children, some have 6 children, i imagine it would vary quite a bit.. so what would be a fair average, $1,000 / year per person ?????.
now when i say donation, i mean every dollar a person gives, this would include contribution boxes in the hall, assemblies, etc, donations for magazines, books, videos etc, every possible thing one would donate money to the watchtower for.. if $1000 a person is a fair number, then multiply it by 6,000,000.
= $ 6 billion dollars a year, nice scam watchtower.
After reading this thread I couldn't help but remember what a elder said to me once during a study. I remember it because I thought it was very odd for him to say it. Apperantly there was a convention in Washington DC and JDubs did not make a good impression on the city because they put it on as cheap as possible, but anyways he said after they left the issue came up in congress and there is a quote in the congressional record that says
"When the Jehovahs Witnesses came to town they broke neither the ten commandments nor a ten dollar bill"
I thought that was a great quote. I wonder if it is true? We were talking about donations at the time.
Should I tell her...................
by vitty ini need advice.
my daughter is getting married next month, she has no idea of the extent of my husbands and my fading as she lives in another area.. the thing is she really loves this guy and will marry him come what may, but my husband thinks she should know about us before she gets married.
im worried her bf might say we cant go to the wedding or stop her seeing us after.. ive got a idea hes a bit of a hard liner, controlling!
Dont tell her.....yet.
Having just gotten hitched myself the last thing you want to do is drop a bomb like this on her a month before her wedding. This is the most nerve racking time (especally for the bride) of the whole process. Your fading has nothing to do with her. Dont give her something to worry over this close to her wedding. Besides it could be very unsettling to say the least if a whole bunch of Dubs are at the wedding with you and know you are leaving. It will make you and her uncomfortable which is how neither of you should go through that day. It is her day, dont take attention away from her. Telling her something like that could be like telling her one of you died before her wedding.
Just wait
Meat Eating Creatures? Please Don't Think About it!
by Quotes ini have thought about this myself: if jehovah's creatures are "amazingly designed", why is it that carnivores are obviously amazingly designed to kill other animals and eat their flesh (and blood, oh my!).
how does that fit the idea that all animals were (and will again become) vegetarians in the paradise(tm)?
well, the official resonse is: don't think about it!!!.
I often thought about this subject myself when I was still in the truth. It seemed to me things where either black or white in the truth, never gray or mostly white. This used to really bug me about evolution because the arguments both sides make to discredit eath other make sence. The only conclusion I could ever come up with, which of course was dismissed by everyone I told it to was this.
Why is it so unreasable to think god created everything with the ability to evolve on its own? Perfect examples are animals that live in the arctic. If the earth was covered by a water canapy like JW's say then everywhere on earth was warm. So why can penguins survive in the temps they do? I can't fly or run 40 miles per hour because I was not designed too and I dont need to. Why can a penguin due that? What about polar bears? There are fish with an antifreeze like solution running in them so they dont freeze.
Look at man. I stand 6'1'' and 260 pounds(no its not all fat) =) In the 1600's I would have been considered a giant because everyone was 5'4''. The average size of a human has increased dramatily in recent centuries. Why do we have an appendix? Where did our tailbone come from? How many different insect sepices are found each year? And lastly how the hell did Noah fit all that stuff on the ark. I would be willing to bet that based on the size of the ark as given in the bible, based on the amount of different species today you could not fit all the different types of birds and reptiles found on earth today in there, let alone mammals think of the amount of food needed. I used to have more examples back in the day but I cant think of them right now.
Well theres my rant. Sorry for the spelling in am in a hurry.
Niagra Falls
by HappyDad inok gang,.
i will try this one last time.
if you see the pictures then i did it right thanks to lady lee and the faq section.
I live about 10 miles from the falls. On the American side go to Goat Island State park. It gives the best view of the horseshoe falls and to see the American side well, you need to go to Canada. Just a piece of advice. Park your car on the american side (there is a parking lot right next to the bridge) and walk across to Canada. Driving your car into Canada is not that bad but to come back to the states is a 4 or 5 hour wait in a car due to the bridge traffic, security, and the holiday. The walk from your car, over the border, down to the falls and back might be about 5 miles but there is shops and places to get food all along the way. Also bring ID, lots of it, for everyone. If you have kids and you want to cross the border you need birth certificates. Bring everything with you. There is two casinos right there also if you are into that. One on each side of the border. If you are looking for a great lunch or dinner there is a place called "Top of the Falls" on Goat Island. The food is hella good and every table overlooks the falls.
Have fun