As they are classed as a charity, and they have a specific relief fund. Are they not obliged to say how much they collected and how much they spent on that project.
If the income is higher than the outgoings surely they would then be accountable.
i was both perplexed and unsettled tonight at the hall.. the second last part of the service meeting, the brother started reading a report from hq regarding the tsunami and jw deaths.. indo, there were no jw's living there so no deaths ( other than possible holiday makers ).
phuket, there were no jw's living there so no deaths.
so and so a place, same as above.... some other place ( sorry for forgetting i was almost asleep ), 1 jw death as well as a few inactive jw deaths.. luckily it was then mentioned, all jw's ( except the 1 above plus inactive ) were at the meeting which was on high ground so they didnt die ( implying that being at the meeting saved them ), but their huts were completely distroyed.
As they are classed as a charity, and they have a specific relief fund. Are they not obliged to say how much they collected and how much they spent on that project.
If the income is higher than the outgoings surely they would then be accountable.
I am disgusted by this thread, and all who participated
we often talk about unconditional love on the forum.. how our parents and members of our congregation only love, conditionally,and we condemm them.. but does god love us unconditionally, ive come to the conclusuion he doesnt so why are we surprised when his followers dont either.. so whos to blame, the witness who want to do everything by the "book" and feel there pleasing god regardless of the pain it causes them,or is it god himself who expects more than we can posssible do.
one day i believe and want to believe in him the next minute i dont.. when he looked down on the events of these last few days, did he feel sorrow for all those people who lost there lives.
was he proud of all us humans, flocking to help them, with money, volunteers and more important empathy for our fellow man who are suffering?.
We often talk about unconditional love on the forum.
How our parents and members of our congregation only love, conditionally,and we condemm them.
But does God love us unconditionally, ive come to the conclusuion he doesnt so why are we surprised when his followers dont either.
So whos to blame, the witness who want to do everything by the "book" and feel there pleasing God regardless of the pain it causes them,or is it God himself who expects more than we can posssible do
One day I believe and want to believe in him the next minute I dont.
When he looked down on the events of these last few days, did he feel sorrow for all those people who lost there lives. Was he proud of all us humans, flocking to help them, with money, volunteers and more important empathy for our fellow man who are suffering?
Will this count as nothing?
The witness really feel this tragedy has nothing to do with them, as they are no part of the world. They will say empty words, but feel nothing, is this also a reflexion on the God they worship?
I think so
what percentage of jw's do you think would be happy to wake up tomorrow and honestly see all the people dying and everything else that goes along with armageddon as they've been taught?.
on the other hand, how many use the religion/belief as a way to feel superior to others and would never really want to see all that suffering or perhaps just wouldn't want to do the clean-up work after?
i guess a third question is warranted, based on their teachings...... how many hope they die a natural death and will be resurrected after all the nasty sh*t goes down?
NO, I didnt want to see it come. I knew I was just as bad as everyone else, and so knew I wouldnt get through, although I hoped for 20 years a miracle would happen and I would "get it".
After reading E- watchman site im glad I didnt, im sorry but they talk such crap, if anyones still thinks theve got Jehovahs blessing and only they will survive armageddon, go on this site for 5 minutes and you will come off shaking your head.
Ive only been out 7 months but already that talk feels so alien
reading all these 1914 threads lately has made me think a lot more about my own feelings of the jw movement in the early years.
particularly how i feel they got kind of "lucky" that something big happened on whatever numbered prediction 1914 was for them.. we have all seen individuals ride out the rest of their sports, acting, etc.
careers on one big break.
Just think about it. There is a great war in heaven Satan gets kicks out, and instantly starts WW1?
I dont think so.
It took 2000 years before, Jesus became king, Its been 91 years since and armaggeddon hasnt come yet. Hey these guys take there time.
I reckon Satans still up there, arguing whoes the greatest. Give it another thousand years, then they`ll have there scrap, another thousand and Satan get angry, then woe to the earth!
i have been today hotly debating with my jw parents about the 1914 'problem' and how the generation that saw the signs will soon be dead and gone and 'then what you gonna do!
' said i all smug like.
i was then informed that 'the generation that will by no means pass away' now meant all of those that were born during the lifetime of those who saw the beginning of the signs in 1914!.
The generation has changed, from the generation of 1914 to , A generation who witnes all the signs.
Now the A is very important, cos that means it could be a generation in a hundred or a thousand years time. Although when they changed it they said it would still be sooooooooooon
Thats my understanding. Uptil last year that is. But ask any witness and they all give a different answer, they there confused too.
just heard on hannity radio show that the lds have been ask to distributereleif funds for the us gov.
wonder how yhat makes the wt feel.
the wt has always claimed that they are experts in all things, "expeditors, that is what god's organization can do better than any organization on the face of the earth.
I was talking to my mum the other day, discussing the donations. She said " at least we know the bethel will put to good use the donations, and we know they are always on the scene first, its such a good witness" I wanted to scream, but as shes elderly, I kept my thoughts to myself.
So what sort of witnes, would the mormons be giving if they were assigned. And what sort of witnes are the "worldly" agencies giving???????????????????????????????????
wow... i couldnt stop reading this.
no offence really intended to any of you out there who believe this but you all are nutters!.
There are quite a few famous people who are into scientology. Tom Cruise, Anne Archer and Johm Travolta they seem really happy with it.
i just recieved an old 1920 copy of millions now living will never die.this book is chuck full of beliefs that have not only no scriptural foundation,but teachings that the witnesses as a whole have never heard talks of the jews still recieving favor in those times(1914 on)it speaks of talking with the dead and refers to another book talking with the dead to understand how it is done.old judge rutherford is in rare form in this book.i bought it for my mother to read and i hope she will see the falicy.i bet it will take more than this heart is troubled with many wrongdoings both done to me and my family.
(some here may recall the things done to me and my daughter by my father).i have since 10-04 renounced my faith in jws and now feel that i must at least show all those that are willing or who will listen to me long enough, how much of a bull$h!
" organization this is.
I dont know how people where taken in by this in those days, as most people had a good religious upbringing, what I mean is most people read there bibles and went to chuch. Unlike today most people are ignorant and so when the JWs mislead them by twisting scripture, they dont know what its really saying