Drinking Guiness from a can??????? Now THAT'S apostasy!
JoinedPosts by TallTexan
And on the 8th day. God created the Beer Widget
by AlmostAtheist inhave you popped a can of guinness and heard that fwoosh sound?
you have surely waggled the can and heard that little thing knocking about inside?
that little thing is one of the 20th century's greatest contributions to mankind -- the beer widget.
Why is society so obsessed with doctors and pills?
by free2beme ini went to the doctor last fall to have my cholesterol tested and it was high.
rather then telling me to diet, exercise and other natural advice.
i was handed a prescription for something to lower my cholesterol, and sent on my way.
As a medical professional, I can tell you the reason most doctors resort to prescriptions first is that 90% of their patients will NOT make the needed lifestyle changes. As a country we could probably cut out a large percentage of the prescriptions needed if we would take care of ourselves. But most people will simply not do something that a pill can do for them. I see it every day. They don't take care of themselves then come in the hospital and want you to fix them and fix them NOW!
So you get:
The overweight and grossly obese require prescriptions for hypertension, diabetes, high cholesteral, acid reflux
Smokers who require prescriptions for asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, chronic pulmonary disease, reflux
These two categories of patients combine for a LOT of hospital admissions. They could lose weight and stop smoking, but they refuse. When you have three doctors telling a patient and their family that if they don't lose weight they will die, they assume that there is a pill that will fix their problems. I hear it day after day.
However, I do think the physician should have emphasized lifestyle changes FIRST, and I know that many do. I guess they get frustrated at people's unwillingness to care as much about their health as their caregivers do.....
Richie's Elders: Deaf? Dumb? Both?
by RichieRich inlet me preface this by saying that i in now way mean to insult to the deaf/mute community by comparing them to leaders of a very prevalent cult, the jehovah's witnesses.
you see, in the service meeting last night, there was a talk based on an article in the january 2006 our kingdom ministry entitled "young ones: shining as illuminaters".
the brother who gave this part is my book study overseer, and a member of the "richie taskforce", i.e.
You rock dude. <headbanging for RR>
Seriously. That was sweet.
As RR is still technically a minor, he may not have the opportunity to express his true feelings at this juncture. I think this follows the rule of "an immoral law should be broken". In this case, the WTS has NO right to invade RR's personal life, yet they do. If they invade without right, he has every right to be a 'sneak' as you so inappropriately put it. I personally call it 'playing close to the vest'. It's his business, so he does NOT have to share it with everyone around him.
Need some help....
by EC ini would really appreciate if any could point me to some articles, books or commentaries that wouldn't necessarily be considered "apostate" that would help me compile a letter.
i have been skipping around researching for about 1 yr and 1/2.
i didn't necessarily stick to one thing...when something made sense, i moved on.
You can prove that Jerusalem fell in 586 using the Society's own publications. I saw a post on here recently about how to do it. But if you add up the dates they provide in different publications for different events, it works out to 586. That may be one way.
The issue with the blood is pretty easy to discuss. Use the JW literature that claims "We abstain from blood" and then use scientific reasoning to show that the use of fractions is NOT abstaining, that receiving organ transplants provides significant numbers of both red and white blood cells in the donated organ.
The UN is REAL easy, as the material is available from the UN. You can also write the Society, get their stupid explanation on WBTS letterhead, so at least no one can deny that they actually were a member.
There's quite a bit that can be done. If you haven't done so already, read Franz' other book "In Search of Christian Freedom." He reasons from the scriptures showing how the Society's stance on a number of things is non-Biblical.
My neice read article about man sentenced to KH...
by MsMcDucket inthis is what she wrote me (notice how she calls my girls her girls:.
auntie, im not exactly sure why you chose to send this information to us for good or for other however, im going to choose the good.
anyone that comes to know the truth knows that there is only one road that leads to salvation (matthew 7:13,14) also matthew 7:15 says to be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheeps covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves and 16 says by their fruits you will recognize them, never do people gather grapes from thors or figs from thistles, do they?.
She's on to something here, she just doesn't know it.....
Anyone that comes to know the “Truth” knows that there is only one road that leads to salvation
That's right - Jesus Christ. (I know she was referring to the borg)Matthew 7:15 says to “be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves
True. Be on the watch for false prophets. They typically prophesy in God's name and then their prophecies don't come true. 1874, 1914, 1921, 1925, 1975 all fall into this category.
True. God doesn't forsake you....however the organization that claims to be his DOES love conditionally.
See, like I said - she's onto something, but doesn't realize it. Typical of JW's - they know all the scriptures, but by applying them to the borg they make them void of meaning. They are close to the truth, but the organization has successfully positioned itself between the publisher and God as the means to salvation.
Nice try at getting them some 'postate material, though....lol.
So I've got this penny...
by AlmostAtheist inso i've got this penny.... it's a 1947d, a wheat back, like this one:.
i'm looking at it and wondering where it's been.
in 1947, you could get five pieces of candy for a penny.
Interesting thought. I've got a whole can full of wheat pennies and buffalo nickels. The one you show is in really good shape.
My No, Blood card
by ColdRedRain intoday at school, i saw a dub displaying her no blood card.
that gave me the idea to make a card that i can carry around in case, god forbid, i'm found unconcious and i need a blood transfusion, but i might be in the care of a jehovah's witness or if my hospital records show me as a jehovahs witness.
Nice......and an excellent idea, especially for those of us who have lived in the same area for a while and been admitted to local hospitals when we were JW's.....
I know is a sin to be on organized sports
Organized sports is NOT a sin - simply another myth created by a controlling organization who wants to make SURE that you spend no time/money on anything but selling it's books. Let your kids play, go support them, and do so with NO guilt.
Welcome to the boards....
oh man i never would've caught on to that if someone didn't post it, i would've sat here and kept doing it for god knows how long lol, I miss the obvious
Me too...no WONDER I was a JW......lol.
hi everyone :)
by jojochan injust wanted to drop a line and say "hi".
i too am a long time lurker that "came out" sort of speaking.
(' bout 2 yrs!
Lots of newbies on JWD = 0% growth rate for WBTS....lol.