Pot Pot is an evil man. I am suprised and still shocked that the world stood by and watched while Pol Pot killed innocent people.
<allow me to make my political rant for the day>
Well, you see what happens when a country attempts to remove a murderous dictator. The leader of the 'good' country is accused of lying about his motives, of simply doing it to make more money for his oil cronies, or for a familial grudge. No one takes into consideration that, regardless of the motives, hundreds of millions of people don't have to worry about being picked up in the middle of the night, tortured, and killed. Women don't have to worry about the dictator's crazy sons grabbing them off the street and raping them, then killing thier husbands when they make a fuss.
People tend to be hypocritical. They want equal rights and fair treatment for every group at home, but are not willing to support that effort abroad. It's o.k., because it's happening somewhere else. You know the old quote, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". It's very true, and because people don't want to get involved in overseas affairs, it will continue to be true. America shouldn't police the world? Tell that to the Iraqi who can sleep at night in peace now.
I've long felt that as a citizen of the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, we owe something to others. As Peter Parker's uncle said, "With power comes great responsibility". FDR used devious (for lack of a better word) means to get the U.S. entered into WWII, because people at home said "No involvement in another European war". Yet FDR could see the big picture. How would the world look today if Hitler had won? How many people would not be here because their families would have been exterminated in the death camps? At that time, leaders pledged that there would never be another 'Holocaust'. So why should countries with the means to stop such a thing stand by while millions of people are murdered by a corrupt dictator? Are they not allowing another Holocaust to occur? Just because the victims are poor Iraqis and Kurds doesn't make their suffering any less real.