Any fermentation is a friend of mine, I do wine, but I will cudle wine when apropriate
JoinedPosts by HeyNow!
What is your flavor of Beer? (why? Just taste?)
by confusedjw inin another post someone mentioned americans loving micro beers - and i thought about beers i drink and why.
i drink budweiser on occasion because they sponsor events i like.
i drink miller high life on occation just because of the great 'lone man talking' commercials.
What if we... (for non-DF and DA "friends of this forum."
by Confucious inwhat if we all went back the kh and disobeyed every non-biblical rule.
we went in and were "non-politically correct" witnesses.
we'd say "bless you," we'd say "you're lucky.
What are you saying?? Wetnoses are politicly correct! they do not offend unless ordered by WTS.
Where's my weasel?.....
Kingdom Hall Spankings
by JH inmost meetings i went to, children were brought to the washrooms in the back to be disciplined.
often i could hear a child yell or cry due to the spanking given by the parent.
people in the hall would have that look on their face meaning that it was alright to discipline a child by spanking him.
My Friends,
My brother and I, were very well behaved JW children. However, If we even made a mistake, out came the belt!! Faulker, we made human errors and we were punished!!! Till this day, the two of us do not have relationship with our father, unless he is talking about the VILE INSANE CRAP that comes from those pathetic Dog D%$kers in the org!
We were just kids. How can you expect a young one to sit thru it..30 years later, poor things to sit thru it, spanking was the answer to unrestfulness.. I thank god I will raise my son in a different way...I reason and tell him " bad boys don't get to go to Pepperdine" it works and I am busting butt to make it so.. my butt that is lol
I am disfellowshipping myself from this board for five months....
by ThiChi ingoodbye for now.... .
at the outset, i would like thank simon for this site.
it is truly a great place for xjws to hang out and discuss topics that interest us.
Makes me happy that you investigate me, kinda like the elders or the KGB..You are so true to yourself.. Did I ever call you and A?? Obviously, you are pissed, don't worry, your check will be there by the first..
No I just moved here lol
I am disfellowshipping myself from this board for five months....
by ThiChi ingoodbye for now.... .
at the outset, i would like thank simon for this site.
it is truly a great place for xjws to hang out and discuss topics that interest us.
Sixof nine,
Use Paragraphs,
I hate it when six year olds get on here..
Time pick up goverment check my friend..
Happy 4th of July!
by Crazy151drinker into all my fellow americans!
happy 4th of july!
i would like to thank our neighbors to the north and our brethen across the atlantic for being there with us through both good times and bad.
God Bless Us All!! Good Cheer to All!!
I am disfellowshipping myself from this board for five months....
by ThiChi ingoodbye for now.... .
at the outset, i would like thank simon for this site.
it is truly a great place for xjws to hang out and discuss topics that interest us.
Do you blame WTS for not having success? or the Gop?
Who do you want to take care of you, WTS or the goverment?
Should all wealth be equal, so you can sit on you ASSembly all day? Or should you take control of your life, away from WTS and goverment?
I took my life back from both of them, what I do, controls my life and fortune!!
ps. if life and our country continues this way for 30 years, I will be living to see a wonderful life and you will be recruiting voters on ironing boards..
Playing the Part of Minimus: Dan-O
by Dan-O inif you could go back & re-live one day in your life ... which day would you choose, and why?
the day I asked my wife to marry me, cause I wish I could do it over and over ,again..
Serena Williams loses @ Wimbeldon then thanks her god Jehovah.
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inyep, as pis#*ed off as she obviously was at losing to a young russian..............did i say lose????????
sorry, i meant got thrashed................she then proceeded in her speech to say "and i thank my god jehovah for getting me here.
" or something to that effect!
Blessi, you're hot!...mmm question, again?
Invitation To Americans To Find Fault With The British..
by Englishman in.
i thought we ought to even things up a little... go for it!.
no obscenities please.
They did not continue Are You Being Served or Keeping Up Appearances... I Loved those shows! I like Tony Blair. My wife LOVED Diana! Love meat Pies! Plan to visit in upcoming Europe vacation. Dunno, silly ass question..I love the Brits!!