I don`t believe in religion ... I don`t believe in Dylan .... I just believe ... in me.
Quite right. This may seem egotistical by "Christian" standards, but i wholeheartedly agree with the comment. Instead of putting our confidence in other people's doctrines and dogmas about whether Jesus was Christ or God or whatnot... we should be focusing on improving ourselves and our relationships with people.
Although i don't hold Jesus in special high regard in this matter, (and i don't believe Jesus or anyone was the "Christ") i still acknowledge that the teaching that Jesus taught on the Sermon on the Mount and the message of "love" that pervades his speeches are wonderful concepts to live life by and were unique and refreshing ideas at that time and place.
Jesus also spoke out against the Pharisees who wrote every law down in a book and wanted people to tithe a tenth of the cumin and such. But the very religion (Christianity in its every mutation whether Catholic, JW, Mormon, etc.), which claims to advance Jesus' teaching of "just love, nothing else", ignores his principal teaching, and each fraction has its own story of bloodshed, hatred, mind-control and the need to write down everything in a book and get follwers to listen to it or be burned in Hell (or cut-off in She'ol). This is why i often find it better to refer to the real Jesus and his simple teachings as "the historical Jesus" and to call the embellished immortal Jesus, who was resurrected or who is the archangel Michael or who is the human manifestation of God, "religion's Jesus".
A guy i used to date who labelled himself as just "Christian" told me that when you die you can come out of your body and see your body as if you were standing next to it. I thought about this for a while, because all the other things that he had just told me about Jesus' love and compassion were so attractive and comforting. But then i asked him, have you ever died and seen this? He obviously said well, "no". Then i said, even if you have seen this phenomenon, all i've got is your word. What evidence apart from the lovely comforting concept of grace can you offer me? Obviously he was beyond rational reasoning and could only offer me what i already knew, that humans should be civil to one another. His religion sounded good, but the extra trappings he had developped were founded in unreality.
I would consider myself honest hearted and open minded, so if God came to me in a vision and told me which religion was right and how i should worship Him to get "saved", i would acknowledge His existance and whole-heartedly go down that path, as long as it was proven and didn't involve hurting others or trying to convince them of what they cannot see even though i can see it.
The people who asked Jesus to perform a sign or a miracle in the gospels were not doing so out of lack of appreciation, they were doing so because they just wanted proof that these things were true. I refuse to follow a religion just because a group of people saw something that i haven't seen. Give everyone a chance to see the sign, then make a judgement as to what their "heart condition" is, Not the other way around.
When my parents used to warn me about the demons in certain books, i used to say to myself, if i ever saw a demon, that would even strengthen my faith in Jehovah, because at least then something in the Bible would be proved as correct. My "heart condition" was open minded to accept any thing that i could see demonstrated. A reasonable God would provide all the nessesary proof for his existance. If He destroyed all those who didn't believe in Him because they had no "proof", i don't think such a God is even worth worshipping. I'm not interested in whether the gospels were really written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John... that has absolutely NO relevance for my spirituality. Nor do references to "first hand witness accounts" or "proof that they wanted to control people". Its basically their word against mine. They saw Jesus lifted up into the sky (or they knew people who saw Jesus lifted up into the sky): but I didn't, its as simple as that. On top of that i've never seen anyone else lifted up into the sky. Simple.
The love they preach (and that a small minority actually show) is admirable but i don't need a message that has been slowly embellished and corrupted over 20 centuries to show me that.