More points from the Convention:
Baptismal talk: Let your Yes Mean Yes
What was the best day of your life brothers and sisters? Was it the day your favoutite football team won the cup?... was it perhaps the tme you won a gold medal at a sports event?... or perhaps it was your wedding day?... or the day your children were born?.... Well, for you baptismal candidates TODAY, is the best day of your lives. Make a note of it, Saturday the 23rd of July 2005 was the day you symbolised, in baptism, your dedication to unconditionally carry out Jehovah's will.
Your baptism is a day you will never forget... (i agree) and a day you will never regret (Mmmm i strongly disagree) for you are entering a close relationship with the Creator of the Universe. (Umm, if thats what you call a close relationship, i'd hate to see what you call being a stranger.)
Some people have the titles Sir, Lord or Lady before their names, and may have OBE, MSc, or MA after their names. Today you are priviledged to have the title "Brother" or "Sister" before your name, and the qualification "one of Jehovah's Witnesses" after it.
Our word should be as sound as a binding document. (Very soon it might literally be a binding document)... The Israelites said "yes, we will obey your word", but proved by their actions that they were not willing to do so. In fact, worse that that... they became.... (spits word out like venom) apostates !!!!!!
Symposium: "Be Obedient to those Taking the Lead..."
Part 1: By Loyally Supporting 'the Faithful Slave'
(Some pretty wild claims coming up)...
"Anyone who wants to know God's purpose, MUST come through the F&D Slave. These alone have insight into Jehovah God's Word" (Supported by Daniel 12:3, saying that the only ones having insight are the ones who are shining "like the brightness of the expanse")
If any were to usurp the prerogatives (insert "power") of that slave class, they would gain Jehovah's disfavour. Hebrews 13:17 "Be obedient to those taking the lead"... The root word "to take the lead" means "to govern" (oooooh, and the Governing Body is called the Governing Body because it governs, these must be the ones to whom we should be obedient!!!)... This same root word can also mean 'to steer a ship'... The annointed class are steering this ship-like organisation through the tempestuous last days of this old wicked system of things...
Isaiah 61: 6 applies to these ones. Just look at their title. "Priests of Jehovah", "Ministers of God". The F&D Slave class has a special commission, and they are NOT about to abdicate it" (Yeah, why would you abdicate when you have quasi-unlimited power)
We bow down in respect to them, in reverence to the way they direct the flock. (Yes he did say those exact words). We would never speak disparigingly of them. If someonw were speaking in an apostate way about them, would you not immediately rush to their defense?
We are grateful to them. What would we know of the true nature of Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ ifit weren't for the F&D Slave class?? Without the clear lead from them, we would not be motivated to carry out the worldwide preaching work. Are we not grateful for what Jehovah has done for us throught the F&D Slave?? <Thunderous applause>
Part 2: By Humbly Sibmitting to Overseers of the Flock
There is a difference between obedience and loyally submitting. (Long winded explanation which in a nut sheel is that we should obey with a willing spirit)...
Acts 20:28 We should be assured that Holy Spirit has appointed these men to shepherd the flock. (I thought Holy Spirit "annointed" ou, not "appointed" you, oh i'm all confused)
Elders represent Jehovah's sovereignty in YOUR congregation.
Who was responsible for the transporting of the Ark of the Covenant? Was it not David? David was responible, but Uzzah was judged? Why?... because Jehovah saw that he had an irreverant, disrespectful attitude to Jehovah's arrangement. That's why he was judged. ( well, and because Jehobah has a bit of a temper problem...... but seriously where in the scripure does it say that Uzzah was thinking these bad thoughts? It merely says that Uzzah reached out to stop the Ark from falling )
Finally an experience of a brother who was a successful drug dealer, who used his talent in bartering to increase his business. He also suffered from a heroin addiction for 12 years. He tried 4 times at a drug rehab centre to clear himself of this habit, but it wasn't until he started a study with Jehobah's Witnesses that he got "clean". He now uses his "gift of the gab" on the Field Ministry (in other words, instead of peddling drugs, he now peddles "God's Word")... He was good at giving direction, but bad at recieving it, so when and elder/pioneer was asked to assist him in the new "Pioneer-Assist-Others" program (PAO) he was initially insulted. However, he changed his attitude, and viewed the direction as coming directly from Jehobah, so he began to benefit from it.
I feel sick now. Especialy from the faithful slave talk. I wanna just shout out at people "Look, can't you see?... these guys are so self centred. Don't you realise why they refer to the F&D slave as "they", instead of "we". They're tryint it ain't they... They're attempting mock humility... "