Topics Started by Pole
Proof WBTS is downgrading 1914
by yesidid inmaybe they're keeping the doctrine but they are not writing about it as much in the watchtower.. below are statistics from their 07 cd showing how many times 1914 was mentioned in the watchtower for each year 1950 to 2006 .
i have divided the years 1950 2006 into segments of eight excepting for the last, which is nine.. on the side i have the average for those years.
notice they have gone from 88.87 a year to 24.44. .
Favourite Classical music
by Guest with Questions inon another thread i posted be still my soul.
it is taken from sibelius finlandia.
it starts at 4:50. beethoven will probably always be at the top for me but this is great music.. sibelius finlandia:
by Terry incrotchtower april 4,2007 .
should christians answer rhetorical questions?
what does the bible say?
That's What I'M Talkin' About!
by Farkel incall me a curmudgeon.
there are just some expressions in today's vernacular that are just idiotic, and "that's what i'm talkin' about" is one of these.
it is so ghetto.. several people are saying 'blah, blah, blah, de blah and more de blah..." suddenly, a dimwit in the group hears something that dimwit didn't even mention but happens to like the subject and then dimwit blurts out, "now that is what i'm talkin' about!".
Logically consistent theories of ID exist.
by hooberus inthe following is one theory that comes from the id book the biotic message by walter remine.
"an intelligent designer is necessary for the origin of life from non-life.
" the biotic message page.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
Our congregation is buzzing..................
by vitty in..................yep thats what my sister said to me today.
apparently after the dc, it was said that there may not be a convention next year and that its obvious the society knows something.
she said the whole congregation are really excited and people are making plans to pioneer this year.
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
by Terry inthe watchtower magazine has used the word "soon" on many an occasion to point out to its readership how near armageddon really is.. a word that can mean anything, in effect, actually means nothing.
consequently, let's examine what "soon" actually means by definition and use.. there can only be three stages of time:.
wouldn't you agree with that?
My Story: My Current Religious Experience from Birth to the Present
by the_classicist ini don't believe i've said anything about myself here, so here goes.. i was raised a jehovah's witness from birth.
my family's invovlement in this particular religion began with my great grandmother, a rather lovely woman who lived a long life who made homemade oreos which i had the occasion to enjoy once; she died firm in her beliefs.
my grandmother was subsequently raised in this religion, although not all of her brothers and sisters were, as far as i can reckon.