awesome homme....WECLOME!!
JoinedPosts by jaredg
Hello To All
by homme perdu ini have been raised all my life in the jehovah's witnesses organization.
i am not baptised.
after recently reading reasoning from the scriptures i began to question the organization.
When will JWs decrease?
by Nosferatu infirst of all, i found this webpage, which is full of charts on jw statistics very interesting:.
let's face the facts, jws are still overall increasing.
when the rest of the world becomes educated
NO more! Storms! Sorry it is long but beware in Carolinas too...
by Xandria intropical storm jeanne threatens puerto rico, hurricane javier pounds mexico .
2 hours, 47 minutes ago add science - afp to my yahoo!
san juan, puerto rico (afp) - tropical storm jeanne crashed ashore in densely populated puerto rico, killing two people, dumping heavy rains and flooding low-lying areas, authorities and local media said, as hurricane ivan raged toward the us coast.
So far these storms hasn't done any damage here in Eden NC. I feel bad for those who have been affected so terribly. Let's hope the rain doesn't develope as bad as they predict.
Ken P.
PS: There was some flooding on the other side of town, and it did damage a few buildings, I had forgotten that.
Ken....hello fellow north carolininian!!! I know several people in the Eden NC congo but I don't talk to any of them b/c I'm DF'd. Have you been in Eden for a long time?
Please call 1-800-The-Slave! We need your input, The GB!
by cyberguy inwell, it?s official!
we, the "faithful slave" (aka gb) are now calling on all those claiming to be ?anointed!?
we are now conducting weekly surveys, to ask your opinion on very important topics!
ditto...what he/she said
"Crisis of Conscience" text available on the Internet?
by AlmostAtheist ini'm not cheap, i'm not trying to scam ray's estate out of $15, i just want to download the book to my palm so i can read it when i get a chance.
i'd grab it from the library, but it's not the sort of coffee-table book i need lying around the house at this point in my life!.
thanks for any links!
oh please share the link.....i bought a copy of CofC but i would like to have an electronic version
Famous JW's (or exJW) almost complete listing.
by badwillie infamous jehovah's witnesses
dwight d. eisenhower - u.s. president (raised jw) .
venus and serena williams - world chamption/olympic gold medalist tennis players .
hold the wayanes bros. are JWs...damn i didn't know that
We also have a poster who was on Girls Gone Wild, but I shouldn't say who.
oh oh oh please do tell...i have all of the GGW on if necessary
the returning ... a question for thos raised in hell (whoops "the truth")
by Odinseeker ini was just wondering for thos that have been raised within and then were df'ed ... did you return before giving it up for good?.
i grew up with the terror of post vnam and 1975 being the end or the end being just around the cornor, i was df'ed, thought long and hard.
and returned anyway.
i was raised in the truth 5th generation. after i got disfellowshiped i still thought it was the truth but i lived in sin so i didn't try to get reinstated. after me and my gf broke up i tried to come back after a year of being df'd but now i sat in meeting from a different perspective. by this time i had many friendships w/ "wordly" people and i found that these friends truely loved me. setting in the meeetings and listening to all the negativity and generalizations made about wordly people made me sick. then i started to have doubts concerning some JW doctine i.e the blood issue. i realized it wasn't for me, started doing my own research and thinking for myself. i stopped going to meetings and haven't looked back.
Pyramids vs the Flood
by ezekiel3 inhistorians and scientists agree: the egyptian pyramids were built between 2500 - 2100 bc.
we even have some astronomical evendence that this is true:
jws teach that:the flood occured at 2370 bcestimates that the tower of babel was constructed around 2189 bcjoseph was sold into slavery 1750 bc (eventually to eygpt, already established as a world power).
This is an intresting topic. I haven't ever given much thought to WT chronology besides the whole fall of Jerusalem thing in 607 CE. However what I have always wondered about concerning the Flood and the story of Noah is how in the hell did he get all those animals and plantlife in the Ark? When I was a JW I just tried to ignore it but now I realise that I can stand on my own reasoning so I have concluded that the Flood never happened. The chronology presented in this thread had confirmed my belief.
Growing up a gay Jehovah's Witness (My Life Story)
by m0nk3y ini feel the need to express how i feel and felt about my life as a gay man.
i was brought up from birth as a jehovahs witness.
this has played a major part in my life and it has been a real struggle to get past.
That was a very touching story. I have nothing aganinst gay people but I don't associate with many gay people. I only have a couple gay friends. I want to thank you for your story because that is the first time I have been told what it's like to be homosexual. I'm sure words really can't express the amount of pain you endured. Thanks you for your insite. I believe it helps me to be a more compassionate person.
I also want to commend you on your strength! In fact everyone on this board who has left the organization has had that moment where they had to be a strong person and just do what they had to do. I did, you did and many other people have. Once you make that move things get a whole lot better. Good luck!!
Is the very concept of THE TRUTH the reason cults can exist?
by zen nudist inconsidering that all availible evidence points to the understanding that everything we know is our own mental inventions, symbols our own minds have made... maps of an implied territory, representations, not substance, how can we be sure of anything that arises in our minds at all?
it seems the best we can say is that there is some stability and consistancy to some of the things we experience and some of our beliefs seems useful a lot of the time... but the truth?
what can one use as a standard for the truth?
this is from the "Cult Test" 100 questions to answer is you think you might be in a cult.
14.Dogma, Unquestionable Dogma, and Sacred Science.The cult has lots of it to teach you. Dogma can also be defined as doctrine, beliefs, convictions, teachings, precepts, or tenets. And they are all true, always. No critical questions about the leader, doctrine, or policy are seen as legitimate, "because God gave our leader these teachings, so of course they are absolutely right and infallible. Anybody who criticizes our leader's teachings must be an agent of Satan."
"Unquestionable dogma" is also called "Sacred Science", which is one of Robert J. Lifton's Eight Conditions of Thought Reform. The cult's "truth" is the absolute truth, sacred and beyond questioning. The cult's laws, rules and regulations are absolutely correct, always, and therefore to be followed automatically.
There is a reverence demanded for the leadership. They have ALL of the answers, they say, and only to them is given the revelation of "truth". The ultimate moral vision becomes the ultimate science and the person who dares to criticize it is considered immoral, irreverent, and "unscientific".
more can be found at