yeaa GBL. i called her then she said she'll call me later tonight. but then her parents said she had to go to church, so we might go tomorrow but then i got church. so maybe right after school tomorrow if her parents will let her. then i say if not then the weekend, then she said her mom was thinking of going to galveston. so i seem to not be having any luck when it comes to hangin out with this girl. although i know she is going to prom with me. thats a plus i guess. would like to get to her better other than through chat.
JoinedPosts by crizlee
Heres a theory of everything
by crizlee inwhat if "god" was really a humanoid being, and the universe was some kind of big research project.
if man can create man these days, who is to say later on he will not conquer all of life and the celestial bodies amongst us?
what if someday man were to create a universe within this universe?
Heres a theory of everything
by crizlee inwhat if "god" was really a humanoid being, and the universe was some kind of big research project.
if man can create man these days, who is to say later on he will not conquer all of life and the celestial bodies amongst us?
what if someday man were to create a universe within this universe?
What if "GOD" was really a humanoid being, and the universe was some kind of big research project. If man can create man these days, who is to say later on he will not conquer all of life and the celestial bodies amongst us? What if someday man were to create a universe within this universe?
Look at the atom, how it is structured, and look at the universe. We would be just like electrons orbiting a single nucleus. What if we the universe was just a single atom in a bigger universe full of other atoms like ours. Chain reactions of atoms happening after one after another in a big storm of chain reactions.
Life's a big reaction, thats proven. Look at the seed, out from it sprouts huge sentinent beings, such as the tree, the mammoth whale, and the human. Out from the tree branches grow with fruits at the edge. Out from a single seed the mammoth blue whale is born. And from a single seed of semen, an advanced creature is born. A creature that is able to love, conquer, decide, contemplate, and destroy. All of this from one little seed.
Wooooww this is interesting
by crizlee ina pre-human civilization .
source: the ra material/the law of one series ( .
from: .
i thought it was pretty cool that jehovah was part of this timeline along with all the other gods lol.
Wooooww this is interesting
by crizlee ina pre-human civilization .
source: the ra material/the law of one series ( .
from: .
A pre-human civilization
Courtesy of site
705,000 BP -- Extensive Maldek Wars (creates Maldek soul's metaphysical-astral -- knot of fear)
600,000 BP -- Confederation spiritual healing of Maldek population souls on inner 3D planes
500,000 BP -- Destruction of 3D Maldek (current "asteroid belt"), soul-transfer to Earth (Bigfoot)
Earth hosting only 2D life (mineral, plant, animal kingdoms); no native 3D human soul-groups
Eventually, highest 2D animal groups become bi-pedal 3D homo Sapiens (become ensouled)
75,000 BP -- Final destruction of Mars civilization / atmosphere, soul-transfer into 3D Earth bodies
Beginning of human civilization / Earth 3D evolution: 50% Martian, 25% native, 25% other 3D
Confederation / Yahweh aid to Martian souls (genetic cloning to sharpen senses/strengthen mind)
Light-Quarantine intensified around Earth (re. Yahweh action) / Human life-span -- 900 years
60,000 BP -- Orion group influence: (a) telepathic contact / (b) power-charged stone-formations in Central America/Pacific Oceana (Nazca, Easter Island; unsuccessful attempt, no negativity achieved)
58,000 BP -- Confederation initial direct aid to early Lemurian/Mu civilization (prolonged contact)
53,000 BP -- Lemurian civilization fully established (primitive group-mentality, spiritually advanced)
Later destroyed by Earth tectonic-plate readjustment / flooding; survivors, Russia, North / South America (current indigenous' groups; originally from 2D Deneb star planet)
50,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE I / No harvest of Earth 3D souls; life-span -- 700 years
46,000 BP -- Spiritual calling from Earth Maldek souls (Bigfoot) Confederation aid (love/light)
31,000 BP -- Atlantean civilization begins development (slow-growing, agrarian, conglomerate)
25,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE II / No harvest; life-span 35-100 years. (pop. -- 345,000)
S. American group (Elder Race; pop. 150; life-span 900 years.) all 4D+ harvestable yet remain in 3D human bodies (world service)
18,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (crystal-powered bell-shaped craft); UFO-sightings only
15,000 BP -- Beginning of rapid, intensified Atlantean technological development in society
13,000 BP -- Confederation aid to Atlantis (pyramids, crystals, healing); life-span greatly reduced
Initial usage of intelligent energy for negative polarization (cloning for genetic superiority)
11,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (direct landings for teaching Law of One); meaning distorted
First major Atlantean wars, approx. 40% population death, partial migration to North Africa
10,840 BP -- Final destruction of Atlantis by nuclear/crystal-energy warfare, civilization ends
Triple migration to safe, mountainous regions: Tibet, Peru, Turkey: root of mystery schools
9,600 BP -- Final Earth Changes and sinking of Atlantean land-masses; direct result of warfare
8,500 BP -- RA enters/returns to Earth inner planes, begins thought-construction of Great Pyramid
7,500 BP -- Confederation aid to S. America: Amazon landings/teaching, pyramids/hidden cities
6,000 BP -- Great Pyramid completed (by RA/thought, instant appearance); Ikhnaton contacted
4,500 BP -- Additional pyramids constructed from physical, Earth - based materials
Orion distorts previous Yahweh intervention (builds upon elite-group biases); replaces/co-opts Yahweh telepathic contact (sends negative philosophy to Hebrews); reveals itself as UFO/fiery cloud (suggest "wrathful God" philosophy).
Confederation/Yahweh sexual/genetic intervention: strengthening Anak-group physical bodies
3,000 BP -- Orion group leaves Earth 3D skies; Confederation completes S. America aid / contact
Armageddon 4D "thought-war" of light continues/intensifies (reduces 3D negative influence)
2,600 BP -- Greek calling, Confederation aid leads to + philosophy (Heraclitus, Thales, Pericles)
2,300 BP -- Confederation aid to Egypt only (telepathic contact, love/light)
D. MODERN TIMES (1700 - 2000 AD)
1784 AD -- Increased influx of harvestable 3D souls and Wanderers, increased Confederation aid
Primarily telepathic info, love/light sent; no major UFO landings or direct contact-teaching
Positive free will philosophy (freedom, liberty, justice, democracy, human rights) developed; most teaching expresses 4D+ quality (love/compassion); Wanderers include B. Franklin, T. Jefferson
1945 AD -- Increased Confederation UFO thought-form appearance, coincides w/ nuclear age
Confederation aid to humans killed in Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic blasts (spirit-complex healing)
Increased influx of Wanderers and 4D+ "double-bodied" children to assist Harvest/New Age
2010 - 2013 AD -- Final Earth 3D-cycle Harvest: planetary Logos/surface humanity fully 4D+
All Earth Changes complete; all electro-magnetic planetary grids readjusted; humanity 4D+ only; major influx expected of additional inter-galactic 4D+ ETs for planet-balance / support
Slow development of telepathic group interplay, Earth acceptance into local ET Confederation
-- A Summary of Themes: ET-Earth History --
Cosmic Polarity: Engine of evolution; freely chosen result of veiled 3D experience; no mistakes
Human History: Galactic drama of polarity between light and darkness, 2 players upon 2 paths
Armageddon: On-going struggle of love vs. control; as above so below; outer vs. inner history
Wanderers' Role: Visiting light-bringers; non-agenda world service in love and free will
Global Strife: Result of negatively-polarized leadership atop non-polarized social masses
The Road Ahead: Reading future from past; all players prepare for Harvest; intensified polarity
Beyond Confusion: Finding implicit order in outer chaos; impact of free will w/ infinite choice -
I think ill start reading the Bible
by crizlee inat tonights book study i was bored and started reading the bible starting from genesis...and damn its interesting.
i got to chapter 12 in a hour session.
7 is used a lot.
At tonights book study I was bored and started reading the Bible starting from Genesis...and damn its interesting. I got to chapter 12 in a hour session. 7 is used a lot. Noah was drunk and got naked, his sons walked in on him and were disgusted and covered him up. He got pissed off at one of em who didnt even cover him up and made him into a slave hahahha wouldnt expect that from the only righteous man on earth. Jehovah cursed a lot of things especially the snake. Jehovah allowed man to live to an avg 900 years to make life. Later life expectancy decreased because the Earth was populated.
Watchtower continues relationship with United Nations in some way
by Dogpatch into find that the watchtower continued (another) type of u.n. relationship even (after) they disassociated from the (ngo dpi) sections, these are the instructions i was given: 1. go to the home page of (who) world health organization 2. type in these numbers into the search engine at the top: (10184) and click go 3. when the next page comes up, you will receive one pdf listing of information.
click on it.
4. when the pdf file comes up, go to page 3 and you will find that the watch tower of jehovah's witnesses is listed as a (new idp site) and (participant center).
whats wrong with helping the needy? i dont get it?
Tower of Babel is a Star Gate
by crizlee inaccording to genesis 11:4, people constructed the tower of babel, it was a ziggurat.
ziggurats, which means to be elevated, were built on top of mountains.
now there was a scripture that tells of a ladder appearing from the sky and an angel of the lord came down this ladder to speak with jacob and then went back up it to the heavens.
Researching this stuff was very fun...maybe I should become an Archaeologist?
Tower of Babel is a Star Gate
by crizlee inaccording to genesis 11:4, people constructed the tower of babel, it was a ziggurat.
ziggurats, which means to be elevated, were built on top of mountains.
now there was a scripture that tells of a ladder appearing from the sky and an angel of the lord came down this ladder to speak with jacob and then went back up it to the heavens.
According to Genesis 11:4, people constructed the Tower of Babel, it was a ziggurat. Ziggurats, which means to be elevated, were built on top of mountains. Now there was a scripture that tells of a ladder appearing from the sky and an angel of the Lord came down this ladder to speak with Jacob and then went back up it to the heavens. Scripture often talks about God being "high on a mountain" suggesting to people who wanted to meet God or tried to emulate heavenly beings to build tall structures in high places to get up to the heavens or perhaps to a parallel universe.
There was a conspiracy theory that I heard, that the US is really in Middle East to find this Stargate; Iraq use to be Ancient Babylon. I heard stories that Saddam had German Archaeologists dig up ruins in Iraq possibly looking for this Stargate. Now this could explain why Germany was against the US going to war with Iraq.
went to a slipknot concert
by crizlee inhahaha it was real hardcore, we were in the mosh pit.
this is the best year ever i swear, im living the non jw life i want.
haha and im still baptized, for 5 years now.
yea i will never drive home drunk again. i have my friend drive me now or stay sober. that shouldnt have gone on the list b/c i was scared that time. i got lost in the neighborhood full of cops. vision was serving and voices were echoing, and i puked everywhere in my truck and then outside. my mom didnt notice i was drunk though.
went to a slipknot concert
by crizlee inhahaha it was real hardcore, we were in the mosh pit.
this is the best year ever i swear, im living the non jw life i want.
haha and im still baptized, for 5 years now.
hahaha it was real hardcore, we were in the mosh pit.
this is the best year ever i swear, im living the non jw life i want. haha and im still baptized, for 5 years now.
letsee so far ive:
went partying with a hot worldly workmate
got drunk
made out with her
drove home drunk
made diverse worldy friends of different backgrounds and interests
hung out with all of them
caught up with old worldy friends
fought my parents for my right to live
work and do good in school at the sametime
got accepted to a university
went paintballing with the soccer team
partied at my first choice prom dates bday party with the football team
went to concerts, local bands and big bands
had mutliple GFs
had a week date for each
had hot worldly girls chasing after me(never had this attention in the kingdom hall)
watched fireworks with one girl on new years eve by the lake
got my dad to understand finally that im effing right about the whole situation
got a prom date
still need to do:
go to the lake after prom and watch the stars
maybe get laid haha
threesome would be nice
go to the beach with my wordly friends over the summer
have mad fun in college
and list grows....the future is untold now