JoinedTopics Started by SwampThing
Just a simple hello...
by maximumflash in.
for those that do not know me, i was on here a while back.
i've been out of the loop for about a year (give or take) and recently got back online so i thought i would stop in at jwd and say hi.. talk to you later, max.
JWs, ex-JWs and Non-JWs
by CeriseRose ini'm going to preface these comments with a disclaimer: in no way am i meaning these observations to be inflamatory, exclusionary, or to devalue anyone.
i believe everyone has a right to their opinion, and observations, and to share themwithin the terms of the board.
i also believe that there is learning to be found from a variety of sources.
Jdubs and friendships...
by SwampThing ingood evening everyone,.
well, i?m back with another question, if you will be so kind as to indulge my curiosity.
since my last post, i have kept myself busy reading all of the interesting topics you guys discuss here.
Captive to a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion) Don Cameron--Heard of this?
by blondie incaptives of a concept" (anatomy of an illusion) .
by don cameron .
aug 21, 2004 .
Daily Breaking JW News Alerts from the www.
by Undaunted Danny incalling all active and exjw's... get breaking news alerts !
search and browsed through 4,500 news sources updated continuously.
email your own letters to the editors.tell them the truth about the "troof"!.
what is jdubs & other questions
by c.dawn ini'm not a jw but my sister and her kids are.
can you tell me what jdubs means?
i see it referred here often.
what is the weirdest counsel you ever received?
by nb-dfed inmy husband and i had a committee meeting because of underage drinking.
when he was being counseled, the p.o.
told my husband that he needed to make me wear different clothes to the meeting because it made some of the brothers unable to concentrate.
Please help me understand the differences.....
by SwampThing ini?ve noticed something of a discrepancy and would like some clarification.
as much as it appears that the wts controls the jws through their published, written word, there also appears to be a fair amount of difference in how that word is applied across the various congregations, not to mention in other countries.
some members here say this or that happened in their old congregations, and then others say that it was different where they attended.
Feminine subjection for protection
by belbab in----- : probably true, i received this in an e-mail.
barbara walters of 20/20 did a story on gender roles in
ms. walters approached one of the afghani woman and asked "why do
I think I finally figured out the blood doctrine....I think
by undercover inthis whole blood doctrine thing has got me so confused, but i think i've got it narrowed down to this:.
the wts is trying to get away from the blood doctrine or at least make it less of a doctrinal point than it has been over the years.
the wts now allows fractions, which, if i understand correctly, modern medicine uses fractions more than whole blood anyway.