I remember when I would look at the silentlambs website a see a few thousand hits on the counter. Now there are over 80,000. I know I haven't looked at the page that often.
I was just over on the main page of SL hitting refresh and watching the counter jump by 5 & 10 hits every couple of seconds.
i was recently disfellowshipped, i guess about 9 months ago, but i always figured that i would get reinstated.
fortunately, i decided that since i wasn't an active witness i could go ahead and read all that naughty apostate literature that we weren't allowed to read before.
well, i'm glad that i did, because now my eyes are open.
please visit cnn's larry king live site at http://www.cnn.com/cnn/programs/larry.king.live/index.html and submit a show topic on the order of the dateline segment.
maybe they'll consider it with enough requests.. thanks,.
hi, i'm new....and i am searching for a place to call home..... i was raised in a strict catholic family....sexually abused by a jesuit priest....left the church....married....was baptized a witness in 1975...regular pioneered for about 5 and a half years (1988 to 1994)...quit that...diagnosed depressed....have slowly drifted away....and now...with the news of what is happening within the organization and offenders and pedophiles....i find that i can't stay in the organization....i can't be a part of something that so closely resembles the catholic church and all their deceptiveness.... i have no "home"...... thanks for listening....
hardly anyone has an honest opinion about anything of importance that wasnt craftily pre-packaged and handed to them by someone else whose job it is to craft public opinion.
the intention of the media is to present the illusion of impartially informing, all the while pandering to prejudice and ignorance in order to persuade to a particular point of view.
datelines presentation of the watchtowers child abuse issue was a case study in the black art of media propaganda.. from the very beginning of the presentation dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of jehovahs witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we dont celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the devil and that we want them all to die.
Not only did Bill Bowen reveal himself to be the lowest sort of slithering weasel who was willing to violate all accepted standards of ethical behavior in that regard, when he used his position as a trusted elder calling Bethel about a confidential case in order to gather damning information, the Dateline producers were all too willing to abuse their power by crossing that boundary as well.
You Know you are admitting the information was damning to The WaTChTowEr. Maybe the information was damning because The WaTChTowEr lies.