Hello and welcome to the board. I know how you feel about being shunned by family and old friends. I always thought blood was ticker than water. I was wrong, never uderestimate the power of mind control.
this is my first ever posting on any web forum so please excuse the shortness or scattered ideas.
i was raised as a witness for around 25 yrs.
since i was 5 yrs.
Hello and welcome to the board. I know how you feel about being shunned by family and old friends. I always thought blood was ticker than water. I was wrong, never uderestimate the power of mind control.
i just spoke on the phone to amazing (jim whitney) who is in intensive care in a chicago hospital.
on monday he had a major heart attack, had a stint put in an artery to unblock things and may have bypass surgery.
he's comfortable enough right now, but of course will have to make some big lifestyle changes.
Get Well Soon. I will miss reading your posts til you get backvb .
my name is brian.
in the past few years i 'm happy to say, "i have gained myself and one of my sisters.
" i was forced to leave behind the rest of my family, friends and a mind control group some call the (please insert profanity of your choice) watchtower.
My name is Brian. In the past few years I 'm happy to say, "I have gained myself and one of my sisters." I was forced to leave behind the rest of my family, friends and a mind control group some call the (please insert profanity of your choice) wAtCHtoWeR. They call this lovely process being, "DF'D". I call it, "The fast track to freedom."
Shortly after I was married my parents started playing mind games. They would come over every couple of months or so.[b} I believe sooth their consciences, and throw in some jw punches.[/b] My mom would say, "We want to see our grandchildren, honey dear" They would stay for a few hours make a few comments about the end of the world, then leave. This was a emotional roller coaster. It's funny how my mother and father who lived only a few miles away at the time, would not call or talk to you for months on end. Then out of the blue (or when their conscience got the best of them) they would want to come over and act like nothing is wrong. We love you so much this, we love you so much that. Bring gifts, money, food and fresh veggies from the garden. Yes, they would bring food for us to eat, but would not eat with us.
I finally told them they where welcome to come by any time, but the next time they would have to sit down to dinner and eat with me and my family. I also let the rest of my family and friends know, "Your welcome anytime, just treat me with respect and be ready to eat a great meal."
To say the least only one out of my five brothers and sisters has called me since, I haven't seen or heard from my mother or father since.
My sister and I have both read C.O.C by Ray F. we also both went to Ritzville to support Erica and Bill. We also got to meet lots of other folks like Barbara and many others. We found out quickly we were not the only ones who went through the (please insert profanity of your choice) wATcHtoWeR brainwash cycle and surrvive.
Some may say that keeping grandparents from their grandchildren is to harsh. I will tell you I've had nothing but peace since. I will not let them continue to treat me with disrespect, they will not play their games around my children anymore. They are missing out on the best things in life, their son, daughter in-law, my son who is 2 1/2 and my daugther who is 1 1/2.
If they only knew life is wonderful when your free.
Slave no more! Now when I see witnesses out and about that I used to know, I feel proud that I have came so far.
has anyone been over to the silentlambs website and read the guestbook since the dateline show?
here are a couple of replies i thought were rather sickening-.
remote user: .
I remember when I would look at the silentlambs website a see a few thousand hits on the counter. Now there are over 80,000. I know I haven't looked at the page that often.
I was just over on the main page of SL hitting refresh and watching the counter jump by 5 & 10 hits every couple of seconds.
i was recently disfellowshipped, i guess about 9 months ago, but i always figured that i would get reinstated.
fortunately, i decided that since i wasn't an active witness i could go ahead and read all that naughty apostate literature that we weren't allowed to read before.
well, i'm glad that i did, because now my eyes are open.
It's like banging your head against the wall. It really hurts and most of the time doesn't get you to far.
Some will listen, some will won't.
Read Ray Franz's book C.O.C. that will give you some direction.
please visit cnn's larry king live site at and submit a show topic on the order of the dateline segment.
maybe they'll consider it with enough requests.. thanks,.
I sent an e-mail also
first lie: erica.
i dont believe erica lied about her abuse.
obviously it must be true, even mr. beliz confessed that he touched her inappropriately.
I also have met Bill Bowen, Barbara Anderson and Erica R. I spent three days with them in Washington during the last trial in 2001.
You were wrong when you called them liars. I believe you should check the facts. Then come back and post your apology.
hi, i'm new....and i am searching for a place to call home..... i was raised in a strict catholic family....sexually abused by a jesuit priest....left the church....married....was baptized a witness in 1975...regular pioneered for about 5 and a half years (1988 to 1994)...quit that...diagnosed depressed....have slowly drifted away....and now...with the news of what is happening within the organization and offenders and pedophiles....i find that i can't stay in the organization....i can't be a part of something that so closely resembles the catholic church and all their deceptiveness.... i have no "home"...... thanks for listening....
Welcome to the board. I hope to hear more of your story.
hardly anyone has an honest opinion about anything of importance that wasnt craftily pre-packaged and handed to them by someone else whose job it is to craft public opinion.
the intention of the media is to present the illusion of impartially informing, all the while pandering to prejudice and ignorance in order to persuade to a particular point of view.
datelines presentation of the watchtowers child abuse issue was a case study in the black art of media propaganda.. from the very beginning of the presentation dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of jehovahs witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we dont celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the devil and that we want them all to die.
You Know said,
Not only did Bill Bowen reveal himself to be the lowest sort of slithering weasel who was willing to violate all accepted standards of ethical behavior in that regard, when he used his position as a trusted elder calling Bethel about a confidential case in order to gather damning information, the Dateline producers were all too willing to abuse their power by crossing that boundary as well.
You Know you are admitting the information was damning to The WaTChTowEr. Maybe the information was damning because The WaTChTowEr lies.
You Know Don't Know.
as a few of you know, i almost became a jw just a short time ago.
thankfully, i did not.
the dateline piece was done well and should only be the start of the destruction of this elitist holy club.
Hello and welcome to the board. How long where you around the witnesses for?