I did for most of my life. That's how I was raised. Until I was DFd. When one elder shook the bible at me and said, "we don't have to read you any scriptures. You know what the bible says" and then proceeded to judge me on the basis of his personal opinion, that was a turning point.
Oddly, even though I appealed my DFing, I was still too afraid to say anything against the elders. When the appeal committee asked me if the elders had done anything wrong that I wanted to share with them, I said no. Perhaps had I told them the committee never once opened the bible at my judicial hearing, things might have gone differently in my appeal. But then again, I doubt it. My word against the big three would never have held.
But I still trusted them to do the right thing. Even at that point I trusted that they were God's servants and that they would see in my heart that I was repentant. How wrong I was.
I don't beat myself up about it anymore. I've accepted that a lifetime of indoctrination leads one to make irrational choices. I just remain thankful that I've seen the light.