You all the 29 years I was a witness, I heard of such stuff going on. I had come from a background of spiritism and witchcraft before becoming a witness, and I always thought the stuff they were labeling as spirit forces were just mentally ill people who were in need of mental health treatment.
There is a sad lack of understanding of mental illness amoung JW. And this comes from the GB who are total ingnorant on Mental Health issues. I worked as a care giver in a group home, and all these folks I worked with would have been labeled demonized by the WTS. Well their concept is religious and biblical histeria as far as I am concerned. We had 3 individuals in the cong I associated with, over the years. Two had schizophrenia, another bi-polar. And their behavior was strange. I would end up with these people on bad days at meetings calming them down if they were acting out. Then would have other witness come up to me later indicating that these witnesses were perhaps demonized. I told them they were not, but that they were ill, and needed to be on their medications. How many witness have been labeled as demonized when they had chemical inbalances in their brain. So Sad.
I heard of a young women who's children were killed in an accident. She had been a witness for several years. After the children died, she got to talking to herself, and praying for her children being in heaven, and crying constantly. Well the friends there labeled this poor woman as demonized and disfellowshipped her rather than helping her to cope with the terrible grief she suffered from. I lost my 15 yrs old son to death a year ago, and it nearly drove me to madness the grief is unbearable in the beginning. There is something wrong when people want to add to a person misery with labeling them demonized.
My any who have been through this find comfort among true friends.