This term UNBELIEVER, just what does that word mean to a JW?
Answer: That is a label a person who is an active JW calls people who are Christians from other religions, or non christian people who have never been a JW.
Do any of you find that unbeliever word as offensive as I do. What right do JW have to label people who proclaim to be Christian and do their best to live by Jesus principles, most the time better than JW, as an unbeliever. UNBELIEVER IN WHAT????? Unbelieving in the JW form of relgion.
This is a word that really stuck in the my new husband's mind when he saw it. He saw it in a Watchtower article, and said what does that mean "unbeliever"? I told him what JW's meant by it. He got hopping mad, how dare they decide that he is not a Christian because he isn't one of JW. Well he wrote to the WTS about this word, and how insulting it is. Of course they never wrote back or addressed his anger over implying that he was an unbeliever when he is very much a believer in the bible and the teachings of Christ. That has been almost a year ago. But they still continue to fling that word around.
How insulting that word is, why isn't it that the old men called the governing body can't see it how insulting it is? And they use that term a lot.