Hi, can anybody translate this article?
To InquiryMan: What is DAGEN? Is it a serious newspaper or tabloid?
quite recently, watchtower in sweden applied for governmental financial support, as they are entitled to as a registered religious community.
however, the government declined to accept the application, stating that the reason was that the jws do not adhere to democratic values and standards and do not support mainstream values.. the witnesses are upset, because they feel discriminated against.
they state that the financial issue is not the real issue, but to be treated in a similar way as other religious communities.. they have appealed the decision and plan to send a report explaining the witnesses views in more detail.. the branch office chose the religious, pentecostal (assembly of god) newspaper "dagen" to make an interview.. here is the photo report of the article.. .
Hi, can anybody translate this article?
To InquiryMan: What is DAGEN? Is it a serious newspaper or tabloid?
have you heard about a letter for all congregations announced next new change in wts politics?.
in letter is information that the time for the public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes.. does anyone have a copy?
Have you heard about a letter for all congregations announced next new change in WTS politics?
In letter is information that the time for the public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes.
Does anyone have a copy?
i would like to know something, i remember hearing once wen i was an active jw that wen the u.r.s.s.
still existed, kgb agents infiltrated the cong.
and became elders, any body have some info on this?
Of course!
It is very good known that members of branch office cooperated with intelligent service in Czechoslovakia. One of members even wrote about this in his memoirs.
See this (unfortunately in Czech only): http://www.straznavez.cz/Zdomova/Kapitoly/Kapitoly11.htm
And names of some of these brothers were even put on a list of collaborators: http://www.straznavez.cz/Zdomova/sjastb.htm
See also:
*** Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! chap. 16 p. 274 par. 8 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***
Yet others who seemed to accept the good news were really spies for the authorities. A report from one land reads: “Some of these unscrupulous characters were avowed Communists who had crept into the Lord’s organization, made a great display of zeal, and had even been appointed to high positions of service.”
*** Yearbook 20000 pp. 190-191 Czech Republic ***
Some observers, not knowing all the facts, thought that the brothers who were involved in these discussions were collaborating with the State Security. The names of some of these brothers were even put on a list of alleged collaborators, and it was charged that they modified articles for publication to suit the desires of the State Security.
This is a sad true about neutrality.
hi, im from czech republic (european union).
we listen an interesting announcement on our kingdom ministry assembly this week.
it was in association with financial report.
Hi, I’m from Czech republic (European Union).
We listen an interesting announcement on our kingdom ministry assembly this week. It was in association with financial report.
This is it in summary:
“Brothers in Brooklyn Bethel save an electric energy. Price of energy is on the increase continually. Brothers must use an economic electrical appliance. … Thanks for your donation on our account last month. Your brothers from Bethel.”
This is not joke. Have you heard of it?
[r1827 : page 143] .
secret and beneficial societies.. .
dear brother:--i would like to have your opinion on the subject of life insurance.
Thank you Lady Lee
I found citation previously mentioned at http://www.ctrussell.us/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Publications_of_Jehovah's_Witnesses
In my opinion is very important keep also a formal aspect of articles. Thank you for your research.
[r1827 : page 143] .
secret and beneficial societies.. .
dear brother:--i would like to have your opinion on the subject of life insurance.
Dear Lady L
this is very interesting. But can you cite a full name of publication [R1827]?
Thank you
hi.. is anyone aware of the latest kingdom ministry article concerning the memorial invite campaign??
apparently, it says something along the lines of ......once this memorial season is over, our chance to praise jehovah will be gone forever..........is anyone else aware of this???
an end to door to door work????.
I need an original English copy of Our kingdom ministry from February 2007, page 5.
Can you send me this anybody?
i need an original english copy of our kingdom ministry from february 2007, page 5.. in article declare abroad jehovahs excellencies is amazing announcement.
this phrase is in last paragraph (15) and in czech language reads: .
the memorial season give us an opportunity to anointed our father in heaven.. now as soon as this memorial season has been ended, this opportunity will be gone forever.
I need an original English copy of Our kingdom ministry from February 2007, page 5.
In article “Declare abroad Jehovah’s excellencies” is amazing announcement. This phrase is in last paragraph (15) and in Czech language reads:
“The Memorial Season give us an opportunity to anointed our Father in heaven.
Now as soon as this Memorial Season has been ended, this opportunity will be gone forever. “
Suggest your “km-2/07” last year for preaching already?
my market research~danny haszard the internet is like the telephone if you don't have it you will.when i first sat down at a pc in late 1999 and googled jehovah witness i was astonished at the search results.
now december 2006 a comparison of the negative pages of jehovah's witnesses with other groups.
when you load the search bar yourselves also view their respective news and images http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&lr=&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=jehovah+witness&btng=searchresults 1 - 50 of about 1,140,000 for jehovahwitness.
1. Jehovahs witnesses must terminate completely (especially financial) dependence on WTS and all of associate corporations.
2.Jehovahs witnesses must terminate dependence on publications of WTS, especially formed by theirs “regular worldwide unified” reading.
3. Do not spread WTS publications already. Advertise Bible only.
4. Break of three weeks congregations. Substitute by one prayer.
5. Terminate of blood transfusion ban.
6. Terminate of secret and laic judicial committees. Obvious and relevant biblical sins negotiate openly and publicly.
7. Terminate a sign of apostate connected with draconic punishments.
8. Terminate dividing to two classes of Christians with two different hopes, especially on Memorial.
9. Disengage all elderly members of Governing Body from a function.
10. Return Lord Jesus Christ to his position. For example in some verses in NWT.
Of course, it is greatest utopia, but “I have a dream…”
(Author is leader of dissident pages in Czech and Slovak languages. www.straznavez.cz and www.krev.info)
straznavez = watchtower, krev = blood
by now most have heard about or had opportunity to read the june 15, 2004 watchtower.
the article will be added to the ajwrb web site shortly.
lee elder .
There is translation of this article to Czech language below.
Thank you Lee, thank you Dr.Muramoto .
Ve vydání časopisu Strá?ná Vě? z 15.6.2004 Společnost Strá?ná Vě? uvádí dva články o tom, které produkty vyrobené z krve smí Svědkové Jehovovi přijímat. První článek je nazván: "Skutečná hodnota tvého daru ?ivota" a opakuje pro Svědky tradiční interpretaci Písem podporující nábo?enskou nauku o zákazu léčebného pou?ití produktů vyrobených z krve. Druhý článek je nazván: "Nech se vést ?ivoucím Bohem" a podrobně líčí pravidla ohledně toho, které produkty vyrobené z krve jsou "nepřijatelné", a které pak jsou věcí osobního rozhodnutí. Do tohoto vydání časopisu Strá?ná Vě? je také vlo?en přetisk článku, který byl jako historický mezník uveřejněn ve Strá?né Vě?i z 15.6.2000: "Otázky čtenářů: Přijímají Svědkové Jehovovi nějaké léčebné přípravky pocházející z krve?". Tento článek schvaluje novou zásadu umo?ňující přijmou frakci z "kterékoliv ze základních slo?ek" krve. Okolnosti, za kterých byla v roce 2000 tato nová zásada vyhlá?ena jasně ukázaly, ?e byla přípravou umo?ňující Svědkům Jehovovým mít plný u?itek z nově vyvíjených krevních náhra?ek zalo?ených na hemoglobinu. (Poznámka překladatele: Ačkoli se tyto produkty pou?ívají ji? řadu let a mnoho Svědků Jehovových si díky nim zachránilo ?ivot, tak Svědkové Jehovovi v České Republice vět?inou nemají o této mo?nosti vůbec tu?ení.) ... >>> Pokračování článku je zde
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