I may be late in seeing this special on the History channel, but did anyone else see this show. It was about books being banned from the bible that further explains events that may or may not have happened the way it is written in the bible. This show peaked my curiousity and I went to the library and found the book Who Wrote the Bible? by Richar Friedman. I am currently reading this book when I'm not engrossed in the forum finding new information everyday. But just the first chapter has raised many questions that I'm sure no JW will be able to answer. Any way did anyone else see this show or am I just the late one to catch the bus? I kinda got that impression when scanning the thread about J-documents. This book refers to something along those lines. Please enlighten me on this so I can catch up.
JoinedPosts by Sweetp0985
Banned From the Bible
by Sweetp0985 ini may be late in seeing this special on the history channel, but did anyone else see this show.
it was about books being banned from the bible that further explains events that may or may not have happened the way it is written in the bible.
this show peaked my curiousity and i went to the library and found the book who wrote the bible?
Favorite Kung Fu Movie?
by Valis ini think this one has to be my all time fave.
district overbeer
I am a fan of Five Deadly Venoms also. My ex had me watch it with him and i actually enjoyed it. I also like Jackie Chan's Drunken Master. I think alot of people fight better or rather can take more punches when they are drunk.
What Flip-Flop teachings/beliefs do you think will come back?
by JH inoften the jw taught something, and came back a few years later to teach just the opposite.
example: will the men of sodom be resurrected?.
They have been told for so long not to celebrate your birthday so who will do it now openly? Probably nobody. I used to celebrate New Year's Eve in my own little way. I was always determined to stay up until after midnight to bring in the new year. My dad would always be telling me go to bed, go to bed, and I would still sneak and watch Dick Clark's Rockin Eve. I missed out on alot on life, like on another thread it was talking about Venus and Serena in the sport world. I loved volleyball so much when I was in high school, but couldnt play. Not to brag, I was on the honor roll with 3.5 gpa or higher at times and couldn't even get in the beta club. And then all the scholarships and stuff I was offered went to waste because JW's are encouraged to be a pioneer and not have a career.
What Flip-Flop teachings/beliefs do you think will come back?
by JH inoften the jw taught something, and came back a few years later to teach just the opposite.
example: will the men of sodom be resurrected?.
Pub, I forgot who posted it first but I think it may have been Blondie(don't quote me on that) but in the July 8, 2004 Awake pg 30 in the From Our Readers section...The story Pinatas. I'm going to type the important parts. Anyway a reader that read about Pinatas in the Sept. 22, 2003 Awake. The reader said "the article on Pinatas left her with some questions. The ties to false religion are well-documented. But the article seemed to take the position that as long as it doesn't bother someone's conscience, it is OK. What about birthdays and holidays such as Christmas? The Awake responded "Christians refrain from any celebrations or customs that continue to involve false religious beliefs or activities that violate Bible principles. For example, the Bible definitely puts birthday celebrations in a bad light. (gen. 40:20 and matt 14:6-10) However, if it is very obvious that a custom has no current false religious significance and involves no violation of Bible principles, each Christian must make a personal decision as to whether he will follow such a custom.
So it doesn't really say no and it doesn't outright say yes. But I'm quite sure other birthday parties were held during those times and maybe they weren't in the bad light because nothing bad happened at them. Just like I said on another thread. I'm sure they had other weddings back then but because at this particular wedding Jesus turned water into wine so it was put in the bible as an example of a miracle. So just because bad things happened at 2 parties out of an Unknown number they are to be put in a bad light....But aren't pinatas used mostly at birthday parties anyway or I am wrong to think that.
On another note. I have just become so overwhelmed with finding all the inconsistences I can with JW's they have in the Feb.8, 2004 Awake an article on Fireworks. How will any JW's ever see any since they are only mostly used around July 4th and on New Year's Eve. So what's the point of that article. And then in another recent magazine, they had an article on BEER, how it's made and stuff. That's so enlightening, but they were good enough to add that you must only drink it in moderation. So I guess nothing is really wrong with that article but i was just shocked to see an article that's pretty much glorifying beer. The bible says Wine is good for the stomach...not beer...I'm just pissed right now with JW's so excuse my griping....
Older sisters and long hair- now a no-no?
by Sadie5 inran into a jw yesterday who didn't mind talking to me.
she is 50+ and wears her hair long, about to the middle of her back.
she said she's been told by the brothers to cut her hair, that women her age should have short hair styles.
I thought women were not supposed to cut their hair. and why do they tell the men to cut their hair and beard but depict Jesus in every book with having hair and beard...Hmmmmm
What Flip-Flop teachings/beliefs do you think will come back?
by JH inoften the jw taught something, and came back a few years later to teach just the opposite.
example: will the men of sodom be resurrected?.
I agree with everyone on the Tithing issue. They are pretty much begging for money already. on they're website (ok I admit I peep it every now and then) I looked up what that say about tithing since it was under Mosiac law but they saw don't get tattoos when it was under the mosaic law also..Double standard. But when they see the money isn't flowing like it used to..they're gonna come out with some "New Light" saying some bull that Jehovah had provided them with new light that tithing is something he requires and that it's now time we start practicing it. After careful research of the scriptures we have come to this conclusion. They already have changed in saying it's now a conscience matter if you want to celebrate your birthday or not. They change for the season...Whatever fits their budget is new light. Like the thread on here about hobbies...When the money was coming in it was ok to have a hobby but now since the money has stopped they say "Box up your hobby....I'm just in a total pissed off mood today since yesterday so excuse my post if they are a little too hateful. I'm just pissed that everyone is trying to make me feel bad for not wanting to be a part of this s**t anymore..My mom made the comment to me earlier talking about JW's is the best religion even if they do have some LITTLE things that not true. In other words even if something they are teaching me is wrong I'm still gonna stay here because they are the best religion. They don't celebrate all the worldly holidays, etc. Then I told her about it being a conscience matter (according to one of their articles) and she got mad at me... I hung up on her.
Where you from??????
by ozziepost inhave you noticed those exotic locations some of our posters come from?.
some of you sure come from some exotic places!
you have the rest of us jealous.. but wait a minute.......is it possible our profiles don't tell where we really are at all?.
I'm one of the few from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
NWT Hides the Divine Name as Found in W&H
by [email protected] innwt hides the divine name as found in w&h
one of the foremost features of the 1948 macmillan edition of the w&h
greek text is the careful identification and indication of ?quotations from the old testament.?
My lil piece of proof that they messed with the bible is John 1:1 and when you ask them about this they get all mad when they can't really explain it. John 1:1 in many other bibles refer to the Word being God. Ex. In the beginning was the Word, Word was with God, Word WAS God!....NWT says for the last part, The Word was A god. And like many people besides me says. If most of the bible (NWT) makes it very clear that Jehovah is THE ONLY TRUE GOD and then in John 1:1 is says WORD=JESUS was A god. Does that make Jesus a false god. You can't have 2 gods if only one is true. Ask them about this and they say Jesus was a lesser god. SO he still must be false if only one is true. So then they would have to rewrite the scripture to say "The Word was A LESSER GOD" but that would still make the other scriptures wrong that says Jehovah is the only true god..So then it would have to read a little something like this...The Word was A LESSER FALSE GOD. Not in a million years would they change the bible to read that, but that's basically what they're saying with what they have written.
Once Anointed, Always Anointed?
by Sweetp0985 inmaybe this is a questions i should be asking a active jw but they wouldnt like my question after their answer.
because i was reading an article that was talking about jesus came in 1918 or something to that matter, so more cockamamy s**t. but how do they feel about if an "anointed" person turns away from jehovah are they still considered anointed?
like for instance someone has been partaking of the emblems and for some weird reason they get df'd or just decide to stop taking the emblems.
I'm with you bubbamar. I have sooo many questions. But I mean I would think that people like Moses, Abraham, and other holy holy ones would definitely be in a much closer relationship with GOD then any of the "anointed" ones from C.T. Russell onward. I mean in the bible God himself said, well I'm not quite positive about it, but wasn't Abraham God's friend so wouldnt people like him be in heaven. I don't think that makes alot of sense. People before Christ's death were in a more perfect state than people from Russell onward so why would God choose people that were more imperfect to be in heaven with him than people he actually spoke to himself(Moses) I mean he even let Moses see him (his glory/backside). I'm sorry I just don't understand and I'm getting more and more frustrated because of other things going concerning JW's, such as people trying to force me back into it and making me feel guilty for not wanting to go back. (see thread I NEED ADVICE!!!) I'm almost at the point of just giving up and going back for the hell of it to shut them the hell up and then just go inactive after reinstatement if they do reinstate me.
Once Anointed, Always Anointed?
by Sweetp0985 inmaybe this is a questions i should be asking a active jw but they wouldnt like my question after their answer.
because i was reading an article that was talking about jesus came in 1918 or something to that matter, so more cockamamy s**t. but how do they feel about if an "anointed" person turns away from jehovah are they still considered anointed?
like for instance someone has been partaking of the emblems and for some weird reason they get df'd or just decide to stop taking the emblems.
So Justin are you saying that nobody before the pouring out of the holy spirit at pentecost is anointed? Moses, Abraham, etc. those are not considered anointed?