That quote : "if we are wrong, it is the other fellow who will have to do the explaining, not we..." How effed up are these wankers?
pattern of excuses.
" zion's watch tower 1894 jul 15 p.226.
(compare isaiah 8:11-13.
That quote : "if we are wrong, it is the other fellow who will have to do the explaining, not we..." How effed up are these wankers?
Abigail was a homosexual
in this week's bible highlights we read about the bizarre trial by ordeal that a woman had to undergo if she was under suspicion of adultery .in number 5:24 we read about this strange "bitter water" that she had to drink resulting if guildy to a sponteneous degeneration of her reproductive organs ,please read the rest of the article here for more clarification ,maybe you can use it this week during the bible highlights at the meeting.... what is the bitter water that a woman had to drink in numbers 5:24?.
Men of course, could cheat on their wife, as long as it was not with an engaged or married female. Prostitutes were fine, they didnt have an owner, so no property was defiled.
Women could not raise doubts about an unfaithful male....
Its all about money and property with these babble people.
i hope no one here get's injured when they see this and their jaw hits the floor:.
Anddontcall -
That first video looks like some kind of gay bar for cowboy hags.
I cant help thinking about Exodus 32, how Moses was looongtime on the mountain, and the Israelites made a golden calf (JW.ORG) and had a big party (2014 International Conventions). Moses was angry when he heard the sound of the music and dancing. Aaron, who made the calf, said it was because the people wanted him to.
When the crap finally plops, the Gibbering Buddies will blame the flock, (Aaron did it too v21, 22) and absolve themselves of all responsibility. Then the mass DF will start (the massacre in the camp v27) It is the RF who will be made to pay (v35)
If I were still in, I would walk out in protest at this undignified bahavior in the House of Jehovah. Now, I could care less.
do jws believe that if a gay or lesbian is reserrected after the great trib he or she will have to give up homosexuality in order to live..
Jude cites the example of Sodom and Gomorrah, saying that these ones went after "fornication and strange flesh", and will not be resurrected - by extension neither will others doing the same. jehoobie still keeps changing his mind on this one.
MAYBE their "every desire" to be a man/ woman will be satisfied and they will come back with different apparatus. (See the ludicrous Herd talk)
I can just imagine a lady boy of Bangcok throwing back gorgeous Loreal locks, delighted that he is now hung like a doughnut.
Tres belle folle bien montee...
In the UK there were two separate kinds of High School. Grammar School, for the brainy ones and Secondary Modern for the rest. At 11, all kids were tested (the 11+ Exam) Those who performed well got to go to Grammar School, and on to Uni.
Girls consistently outperformed boys in all the different test criteria, especially math, so much so that the pass mark required to go to a Girls Grammar School, had to be made much much higher, than that for a Boy to go to a Boys Grammar School.
After Uni, these brainy girls were expected to cook clean and spread their legs for their lord and master. And of course, look gorgeous across the dinner table after a day of cleaning and looking after all those kids Himself wanted to make.
From reading American female authors, I get the impression that the average US male likes his girls stacked, purty and DUMB. (the bigger the boobies, the more brain power he needs to process all that visual information) Guys don't date smart lasses in glasses.
As for women in the Borganization: One brother remarked: "can you imagine an elders meeting with premenstrual women? It would be worse than a gaggle of them on Ricki Lake."
an alliance could emerge that suddenly upsets the balance of power , making anglo-america number 2. already, the brics nations seem to be moving towards a loose alliance on many issues.
either way, things are moving in china's direction.
The underclasses in China are prolly the same % as the US as more and more of the middle class fall through the net into poverty.
Rural China is like West Virginia, and like in the US habeas corpus and due process do not exist. People at dinner parties dare not express a political opinion.
I hear social events there are now as bland as your average jdub social.
BAND - have you been asleep for 14 years? The bill of rights no longer exists. Freedoms you think you have, are now GONE since George Dubya. America is almost a police state run by cartels and monopolies. They claim unconstitutional income tax, and the bankers decide who controls things.
jehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980styler dunn 5:43 pm, nov 26, 2013 4:19 pm, nov 27, 2013 previous next .
10pm church arrest.
kjrh autoplay:.
I personally knew a person who had molested little boys, years after I last saw him, when he was an eldub. The elders never reported it, though they DFd the perpetrator. I suppose in this case it makes them accessories after the fact. He was never prosecuted, and after 20 yrs still DF.
if it wasn't for the fact the boys concerned are now in their 30s, I wd be tempted to dredge it up to the police, but those men might not want their family and kids traumatised.
i have to respect their wishes.
this is very good, at least it will be in a few years.
sorry if it's been posted here before already.. it's in the watchtower magazine may 15th, 2014, last page: from our archives: they talk about a public speech held in sao paolo in 1923 where they also distributed the brochure "millions who now live will never die" (pictured in the magazine!).
a quick calculation: 1923 -> 2014, how many people in the world now are 90 years old or more?
Freddie Franz (the delusional psychotic) gave a talk - it is on this forum, in a recording.
"At first it was said that Millions now living May never Die, but in light of the scriptures it was changed to WILL never die" (words to that effect. its been several years since I listened to it)
a wife and mother who died of cancer, with her family round the bed, is lovingly raised from death into the "noo system".
"where is my husband?".
"jehovah killed him because he didnt believe the teachings".
A wife and mother who died of cancer, with her family round the bed, is lovingly raised from death into the "Noo System"
"Where is my husband?"
"jehovah killed him because he didnt believe the JW.ORG teachings"
"Where are my sons?"
"jehovah killed them, because their father was evil and told them that JW.ORG teachings are contradictory."
"Where is my daughter?"
HB (of the "all warm and furry" class)