Note SHE is interviewing her superior penis- toting interviewees and has no head covering.
I am glad iPad screens do not absorb stomach contents.
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.
Note SHE is interviewing her superior penis- toting interviewees and has no head covering.
I am glad iPad screens do not absorb stomach contents.
my brother (non-jw but became a christian 6 months ago) and i nursed my aged jw mother back to a semblance of strength over the last three weeks.. the elders were happy to pass the buck on to me, her da'd daughter and my bro.. he has been living with her for 3 months and has transformed her ill-kept home and garden and literally nursed her like a professional alone.
before i stepped in to help him care for her.
he repeatedly told her how much he loved her and was so caring, it brought a lump to my throat.. he has been going to church sunday mornings, telling her he 'was meeting up with friends' so as not to cause friction.but she knew where he had been.. we noticed a shift in her demeanour towards us (she knows i'm a church-goer) over the week-end and she started to.
I wonder what spin the eldughs will put on this when they try to get the witnesses to look after her: "those mean "Christian" kids want nothing to do with her. It is a sign Satan's System is nearly finished."
Pulling faces at him behind his back! Evil. At least his church accepts him tattoos and all. I always thought God judged on he heart, not the ink and piercings.
i am having a discussion at work with the jw's.
should you spank a child to make them understand or do you reason with them.
they both agree with spanking.
Very young children cannot be reasoned with like an older child."don't play on the road" means nothing- they only think other children get hurt on the road.
"play in the road and you'll get a spanking" is more likely to instil caution and keep them alive.
ressoning with young kids on hand washing is interesting - they all know they should before eating, but most will not if they can get away with it. No amount of reasoning seems to work, so they make themselves and others ill by covering the food they touch in germs.
reasoning is fine, but the wisdom of ages shows spanking has its place.
gretteacher - children can be violent little cannibals without spanking too. Some children hit kick and slap their parents who have never been slapped - the consequences they quickly learn are lame. Is putting them in a timeout room any less cruel?
Each parent needs to make choices based on their child. Blanket rules don't work in every case. Lock a spanking parent away, and protect the child by putting him in a care home? How is the kid affected by the so called protection?
There are increasing numbers of little ones now being savaged by the dog because dogs are trained with sweetness and light, instead of how they instinctively establish behavior boundaries.
Id like to see the difference in 20 years between the kids brought up in either camp.
Remember too that little ones who play in the traffic, because they don't fear the parental reasoning are eliminated by natural selection very quickly. As are those who cannot be convinced that drink drugs and dangerous driving are bad.
on seeing the horrifying scene of world trade centre being attacked and knowing the pain of those trapped in and their loved ones, not only in new york but across the world millions of people turned into silence, prayer, and meditation.
they gathered on the streets, lit candles, wrote condolence, anything to feel solidarity and to spread a wave of love.
churches, temples, mosques and retreat centers were flooded with people seeking to raise their consciousness beyond the senseless killing to a higher, more noble plane.
Will unfolding myself get rid of all my wrinkles and cellulite? Will it make me young and sexy again? Then I am IN IN IN
millions have died in africa from civil wars where the governments have squandered money on bombs guns and tanks, whilst allowing millions more to die of malaria, diarrhoea and other treatable diseases.
thousands more have died in nigeria from religious killing than ebola.. and now big bad america is the one they all turn to (in mainly muslim countries) to save them, just like kuwait did in 1991.
(condemned after for their interference).
As for China they continue their illustrious tradition of killing human beings on an industrial scale. They show terrified prisoners on TV as they are put on trucks to be driven off and executed - hopefully shot, rather than a death waggon where they are suffocated and their blood, corneas, skin and organs are harvested for medical use.
how sweetly pretty they are doing something kind for all to see. They should be taking the LEAD for once. But maybe murdering dissidents in Tibet and Outer Mongolia is more important.
it seems that this portion was published in the watchtower in the year 1977 (as i have in the spanish version):.
the radiocarbon dating method has been widely accepted by many scientists as showing that humans lived back to at least 50,000 b.c.e.
that conflicts with what the bible says.. but physicist r. brown of andrews university claims that this radiocarbon dating method is highly inaccurate.
The simple minded WT article shows they DO NOT understand how C14 dating works. As long as a creature is alive it makes no difference if it absorbed ten tons of C14 or just a fraction of a gram. After death it decays and it is the RATIO ofC14 to decay products that establishes age. It does not "run down ever slower" as they say.
Their favourite source of science is the World Book Encyclopedia, a book for young children. It's explanation of C14 dating is seriously flawed and cannot help but make an ignorant fool writing for the cult misunderstand. I no longer have a copy, but I am sure the relevant quote can be found.
millions have died in africa from civil wars where the governments have squandered money on bombs guns and tanks, whilst allowing millions more to die of malaria, diarrhoea and other treatable diseases.
thousands more have died in nigeria from religious killing than ebola.. and now big bad america is the one they all turn to (in mainly muslim countries) to save them, just like kuwait did in 1991.
(condemned after for their interference).
The Africans were slaughtering each other and selling their brothers to the Romans and Arabs (Arabic for a black African literally means"slave") long before europeans were there. The big chiefs just saw another market for a commodity.
isnt it nice to know that the current corrupt leaders and murderers are only following an example set them, and therefore are not really to blame.
They have just carried on doing what they have for millennia. I don't care about the past it's OVER it's not any of our faults in the here and now.
I want to see them in charge of their future instead of this infantile victim mentality where it is always somebody else who has to save them, whether a witch doctor, or the west.
and I did read Heart of Darkness.
millions have died in africa from civil wars where the governments have squandered money on bombs guns and tanks, whilst allowing millions more to die of malaria, diarrhoea and other treatable diseases.
thousands more have died in nigeria from religious killing than ebola.. and now big bad america is the one they all turn to (in mainly muslim countries) to save them, just like kuwait did in 1991.
(condemned after for their interference).
Millions have died in Africa from civil wars where the governments have squandered money on bombs guns and tanks, whilst allowing millions more to die of malaria, diarrhoea and other treatable diseases. Thousands more have died in Nigeria from religious killing than Ebola.
And now BIG BAD AMERICA is the one they all turn to (in mainly Muslim countries) to save them, just like Kuwait did in 1991. (condemned after for their interference)
What is the rest of the world doing? How much has Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Emirates, Malaysia, India, China, japan, Pakistan or Dubai given ?
America will be condemned after all of this for
1: Not doing enough
2: Interfering.
These countries have been shitting and pissing in their own drinking water for decades - let them stop fighting and sort themselves out. Americans are sick to death of being damned if you do damned of you dont.
follow the link\.
prepare their graves.. .
I don't click on links that lead to I don't know what.
in many countries now you can end up being prosecuted because you were "curious".
we are responding the announcement by ashya king's father that he will allow.
blood transfusion if medically necessary.
those not familiar with the story can.
Is the "shocking to old timers" noolite to do with blood?
we need to see what happens next on this one...