Joseph writes:
<< Isn't this evidence that the murder of the innocents never happened, and that Matthew was wrong, and therefore the Bible is in serious error? If not, why not? >>
Well, it's the same argument if Jonah didn't actually get eaten by a whale or if God didn't take one week, six thousand years back, to create everything. Fact is, the Bible is a group of stories for teaching things about God, and not a history book for proving or disproving historical facts - particularly as a motive for whether or not we should give our belongings to the poor, or not.
Looking for historical proofs about worldly things, in writings intended for the spirit, places yourself in serious error, not the loving, teaching story.
And RunningMan writes:
<< If a book doesn't mean what it says, then it doesn't mean anything at all >>
But it does mean what it says - and not what someone else says.