Good job on getting your sister to start thinking about and researching this stuff for herself. I wish you all the best in your efforts in prodding her to start thinking more outside the JW box. Take care and have faith!
JoinedPosts by Banshee
I approached my Dub Sister, Part 2
by johnathanseagull inhi all, thought i'd keep you up to need to look at the first post to get the background, it still on this cut it short i again emailed my dub sister late last night re family business and ended with "hey and did you know the the watchtower have shares in a company that premote warfare technology", not thinking that she would reply till at least monday.......gosh logged on this morning and here is her reply, which i'm sure you appreciate with the family and personal details taken out, after that is my reply, your comments please....and please no thanks to me, the thanks goes to all on this board who continue to fight against what is wrong.
(her first comment is because we had dicussed the blood issue before and yes she's inviting me to the kh!!!!!!!!!.
j gull"we have got a hlc talk at the kingdom hall.
I'm the Dad of a Silent Lamb...
by CoonDawg ini never thought that they could be this dumb.
i called an elder in the cong.
where my daughter's abuser lives.
As your sister and a sexual abuse surivor myself (at the hands of more than one JW), you know I am outraged at how the elders have completely mishandled the situation. Even worse, your daughter's own mother is not acting in the best interests of her child. This is sickening!
I am proud of you for showing your daughter that she does matter and that what happens to her is important to you and that you are ready to go to whatever lengths necessary to protect her and pursue justice for her.
As I said to you before, Bruce and I are in your corner and if there is anything at all that we can do to help, you KNOW we will. Love you, bro.
by Marcos ini approach this thread with some trepidation.
i understand that most of us here have had a bad to terrible experience with an organization that is highly judgmental and vengeful in its approach to its members.
so i post this with the utmost respect toward all who wish to read it.
Thank you for bringing up this topic. I know a lot of folks on here post some very angry and bitter stuff on here; some of it may me judgmental. However, I think this is mainly done out of their feelings of hurt and betrayal and not really because they want to condemn individuals still in the WTS. For so long, these people were harshly judged within the organization by other members and were unable to answer back for fear they would be expelled and lose all contact with family members or friends inside the WTS.
Personally, I have been out of the WTS for quite a while now and have healed from all of the hurt and religious abuse I experienced while part of the WTS. Today, I am a nondenominational Christian and I try very much to apply Jesus' words at Matthew 7:1-5. I even make it a point to pray every day for all in the WTS, asking God to forgive them and heal them and bless them. Interestingly, also, because of my nonjudmental attitude and by trying to live by the command Jesus gave to "love one another" and to "love thy neighbor as thyself", three of my immediate family members who were in the WTS began to ask me questions about why I am so happy, content and at peace in my life? As a result, all three have left the WTS and are beginning their own spiritual quests.
So, yes, it is more beneficial to try to the best of our ability not to judge in the sense of the Greek word krino. As for the other type of "judging", I call that discernment and decision making. I personally don't even use the word "judge" or "judgment" in referring to matters of choice or instinct.
Also, I have seen lots of posters on here who display the same positive attitude on here of simply being desirous of helping others who come out of the WTS.
Thanks again for your post.
What Are Some Of The STUPIDEST Comments Made?
by minimus inwhat are some of the stupidest comments made in the watchtower, or by a circuit overseer or elder that you've never forgotten?
the one about" the rapist being human" too, ranks right up we're supposed to feel bad for him?
"Most modern rock music has a beat that is designed to excite libido which is why it is considered debasing music." --Heard from elder during a talk
Elder Says That We Must Guard Association W/ Bros.
by minimus in2 elders mentioned in their parts in the tms and sm, that just because a person is a witness, it doesn't mean that they they are acceptable association.
if someone misses a lot of meetings, rarely goes out in field service and is not the best example, we should not want to associate with such ones.
i clearly see a line being drawn in the sand.
They are always and evermore promoting this judging others. Completely opposed to what Jesus (whom they claim to follow) commanded at Matthew 7: 1. Also, I remember that, while I was a JW, I hated when I would see others in the congregation be treated differently (looked down upon) by the elders and their wives, pioneers, CO's DO's, etc. because they weren't quite "exemplary".
Most of the non "exemplary" people were a heck of a lot nicer and more sincere than those other bozos!
At last, I approached my Dub sister !!!!
by johnathanseagull inhaven't posted much of late, very tied down with work and enjoying the hols at the mo, a very xmas to you all......thought i'd relate this to cut a long story short, i eventually emailed my dub sister on some family business and then at the end of my mail in a low key manner wrote that i heard something interesting about the wts and them being affiliated, and i mentioned the generation change for good measure, and left it at that.....within half an hour i rec'ed my first email from my sister also discussing the family business and then she said she was interested in the un thing, never heard of it?!?!?!
(her hubby and brother are both elders) could i send her more information.......she also went on to say that yes the definition of the generation did change but it wasnt a major doctrine like "blood" !?!?!?!?!?!
and many people left "the truff" because of i wrote back with a synopsis and a link to "randy's" page on the matter..............a few days passed and i had to write to her again and i asked her if she had looked in to it and her words were, "i must of been walking around with my ears shut cause everybody else knows about but me, but i will into it more..................anyway i'm hoping i've sown a few seeds of doubt in there, albeit i felt some of her comments were strange....................your comments are welcome on my next plan of action.
It sure feels good to assist family members in taking the blinders off, doesn't it? Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged or rattled even if you encounter some initial fear and anger from your loved ones as you begin to expose the lies. Good luck!
Did anybody get The Bell?
by Nickey induring the thocratic school during our tuesday meetings, i dreaded hearing the bell.
*ding* someone had run over 5 minutes and had to cut their talk short.. this part always disturbed me.
nevermind the fact that these people worked hard to prepare their talk about something they felt was worthwhile, they have to be humiliated and cut off in front of the whole congregation.
I don't think I ever got the bell, but I remember seeing my mom get it. She looked so emberrassed and humiliated and I felt awful for her. And, yeah, it pissed me off!
By and large, the Theocratic Ministry School overseers were ignorant nimrods. One I remember was counselling on pronunciation and said the word this way: pronownciation. Another was trying to counsel a sister on grammar and said at the end of it, "You done real good."
Others I remember, who were perhaps not quite so ignorant were awfully sharp in their criticism of pubs, especially to the sisters. Not teeribly surprising, since that religion attracts mysoginists.
JW's come knocking on Christmas
by DIM inwell, after 10 months, the jw's finally came knocking on my apartment - on christmas day!
in my head, i was going to debate with them, maybe even reason with them.....what actually happened is that for some reason, all of the emotional things inside of me came to the fore and i waited until they were leaving my apartment, i opened up my door, grabbed the tract, crumpled it into a ball, threw it at them and rattled off a string of profanities (which i won't repeat here, out of respect for simon's rules).
i was really mad at myself for doing this, but at the same time it provided an immense cartharsis for me.
LMAO over here! Right on the money. I love how you kinda made it seem like a Service meeting demo. Too cool.
by nightwarrior innot from god then its falsefalse predictions.
/ false teachers wolves amidst the true flock .
jehovah god says no one can come to him except through( jesus christ ) .
I agree with JT 100%. That worked the best for me. I took a long break from everything even remotely religious. Then, I went to some churches to observe. Today, I don't go to church, per se...but my boyfriend and I found a little independent church close to our summer place up north where they have a Bible sudy. No doctrine or dogma is discussed. We just read a passage and each person is free to comment on what it means to them (without fear of being criticized by others present, I might add!).
As for me, I found that I don't need to be in a religion or go to a church in order to be a spiritual person.
JW's come knocking on Christmas
by DIM inwell, after 10 months, the jw's finally came knocking on my apartment - on christmas day!
in my head, i was going to debate with them, maybe even reason with them.....what actually happened is that for some reason, all of the emotional things inside of me came to the fore and i waited until they were leaving my apartment, i opened up my door, grabbed the tract, crumpled it into a ball, threw it at them and rattled off a string of profanities (which i won't repeat here, out of respect for simon's rules).
i was really mad at myself for doing this, but at the same time it provided an immense cartharsis for me.
I know what you mean. I always felt pretty guilty intruding on people's time with their families on Christmas. I even had some people tell me on the return visit that they only took the publication/magazines to get me out of the way. It was awful how the Society would really put the pressure on to go out door to door during the holidays.