Happy Happy Birthday, Oldflame!
Hugs to you on your special day.
My mom used to make a cake on my "special cake day". But of course it wasn't a birthday cake.
it's pretty sad when your family and friends don't even remember your birthday.
and for an ol guy who has been on this board since 2001 and no one here remembered either.
oh well maybe somethings are better forgotten.
Happy Happy Birthday, Oldflame!
Hugs to you on your special day.
My mom used to make a cake on my "special cake day". But of course it wasn't a birthday cake.
accepted origin
, high times magazine, the marijuana-logues, and the straight dope claim that in the early 1970s, a group of teenagers at san rafael high school in san rafael, california used to meet every day after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the water tower.
one piece of evidence supporting an origin of the term from the time 4:20 is the fact that the number is always said "four twenty" and not "four hundred twenty.
Many American cities and colleges hold pro-marijuana rallies, or at least celebratory marijuana gatherings, on April 20. The authorities' reaction to these gatherings varies from place to place, as shown by two prominent examples. [ edit ]
The largest known celebration of this kind has been held annually for the past decade at the University of Colorado's Farrand Field in Boulder, Colorado. In 2005, responding to negative press that year, University Police made their first attempt to disperse the gathering. They posted signs saying student were not allowed on the field that afternoon. After the field was overrun by an estimated 2000 or more students, police declined to issue any citations, as with past years. They did, however, turn the sprinklers on in an attempt to disperse the crowd. Colorado is one of a handful of states that has decriminalized small amounts of marijuana. [ edit ]
It was a tradition for many years at the University of Vermont for a very large amount of people to gather on the campus green and smoke openly in protest of marijuana prohibition laws. The protest was traditionally tolerated by the police, who viewed it as an act of civil disobedience and would merely observe to ensure the safety of participants and bystanders. The annual protest was squashed on April 20, 2002, however, due to a decree by incoming University President Daniel Fogel, who ordered campus police to maintain a strict, heavily armed presence on the campus green. Students were not allowed to stay on the green (for any reason) and students who attempted to do so were ID'd, searched and detained. Fogel has stated multiple times before and since that he was trying to clean up the "reputation" of the University. Since then, police wearing bullet-proof vests and armed with shotguns have been a staple of 4/20 celebrations on the green; and while the protest has gone forward on a much smaller scale, police now arrest any smokers and the tone has changed markedly from that of a peaceful, albeit defiant, protest to one of conflict and division between students, police, and administrators.
Six on the floor, and she's out the door! WooooHoooooo! Go LadyLee Go!
The only thing missing is the solar panel for recharding on the go.
well, i have been sorting through thousands of files i have collected over the last 10 years about jws and the wts.
it is going to take a while but eventually elsewhere will get them.
but every now and then i will post something that i had no idea i had.. like this little gem.. it was very common for the media to be in attendance at the dcs.
We went to the Vancouver BC convention. Skipping the meeting with my nephew, we went over and rode the roller coaster and a couple other rides.
We watched to moon walk from our hotel room, with lousy TV reception.
Sitting in the sun, I got my knees and the back of my neck sunburnt. I was 13 also.
yesterday afternoon, i recieved 2 text messages from an anonymous source that read :.
(person that turned you in) i turned you into your brothers for your own good.
gal ?:?
Oooo a book! Maybe a novelized story along the lines of Davinci Code? Richie, I bet you're relieved to have it "over". Good luck and hugs.
a few hours ago i went to put some fuel in my motor and used my debit card to pay as i always do.
"sorry sir, your card has been declined".
how embarrasing is that?!
Aw geez Nic that sux. At least the bank will take care of you.
on cough syrup stuff.
ok, here is what happened:.
my youngest got really sick and gave it to my son and myself.
Wow Sparky, I'm glad you're ok! I hope your cold/flu is passing.
For that sore throat you might try hot water with lemon and honey.
but my girlfriend dumped me last night.
she lost the spark she had for me she said...
i am alone again and i could use a hug.
(((( Cyd ))))
that really sucks.
this is my explanation as to why i met with the elders today.
when i agreed to meet with the elders last week i had made up my mind to just go in and be honest with them.
i was going to tell the elders that i no longer believed this to be the truth, and then i was just going to walk away.
(((Lola))) I figured you had good cause to lie and cover your tracks. and I think your lying to the elders for the sake of love is the most honourable thing you could have done. Give them a taste of their own ... erm ... medicine (hogswallop brand cough syrup...) and not cause further pain to those who took you in. Besides, a JC is so damned invaisive and it's none of their business!
hi, friends ---.
just a note to let you know ian has had a setback.
there is a problem with his kidneys and he had to have a catheter inserted.