You raise an excellent question and one I hope Barbara Anderson will reply to. She might have some insight on this. They are having their feet held to the fire for their treatment of children and one day I hope the many adult rape victims will get represented. . I would very much like to see them exposed for their treatment of the mentally ill. However, I will tell you in the south/southwest etc, the Bible Belt, there are many churches that are similar in their treatment of the MI and some may be worse. I am talking about the Pentecostal type churches that practice something called Deliverance( Exorcism by any other name is still Exorcism ).The church of Christ is also very legalistic and so are any number of fundamentalist religions here in the Bible Belt. The catholic church I understand does not really do very many real exorcism's . It is more the offbeat religions that do these things .Saying that however COC and Pentecostal are not considered offbeat down in south but they practice these things, , at least secretly. BTW, Pentecostals got such a bad reputation that they now disguise themselves as Non-denominational Bible churches or something called Four Square churches and similar names. Beware.
It is a great question and hopefully will get some response from Barbara.