Ill go Kim If you will all have me. Barry
Posts by barry
Aussie Role Call
by kelpie inok aussie... its time to 'fess up and let me know you are here reading my posts.
i am putting alot of hard work into organising this apostofest and should be getting some really good deals with accomodation etc so i need the numbers to make it worth while.. what i need to know who are the aussies on the board.. please step up to the mic and let me know who you are and where abouts you live.
if you dont want to publicly announce it, drop me an email at [email protected].
Keeping it in perspective
by Torn ini've just joined up to silentlambs.
basically i still consider myself a jw, although i'm no longer active.
i do frequent the odd sunday meeting tho, as i still consider 95% of it to be the truth.
Keeping it in perspective is a good title. Tom Im an Adventist just to be brief Adventists dont beleive in hellfire, the immortality of the soul or that heaven is the final place of man. In fact all witness beleifs are held by christendom the beleif in 1914 is in principle is borrowed from the adventist beleife in 1844. The Arian beleif was borrowed from Arias from the 4th century. Some Adventists are Arian but most beleive the trinity doctrine. Its often said here that the trinity is pagan where did Arias get his model from? Read up about Greek thought you will find the Greek beleifs the same as Arianism. Barry
How likely is a fatal accident in an airplane?
by cyberguy ini'm trying to reconcile the society's stats in the
awake, dec. 8th, page 8!
they claim that there's a 1 in 5,100 probability of being killed in a plane crash!
I used to have a private pilots licence LB here in aussie, good weather for flying here Barry
given a roasting for our daughters behaviour!
by Bosho ini'm not sure if i'm posting in the correct section but i had to put this somewhere just to let off some steam.. i have a beautiful little girl, she's just two and a half but she's tall, so she looks more like a four year old.
we live in a flat and have no access to a garden, the lady who lives underneath us is a nightworker, so we have to try and keep the noise down through the day.
which means that my poor daughter doesn't get the chance to run off steam.
Dear Bosho, What is there at the KH for children? most churches have programs for every age group and they enjoy it. Have a look around at these and choose one. Barry
It Started Today
by kelpie inseacher and ruby, you will be glad to know that my sleep in did get interupted..!!!!!!!!!
by... you guessed it.. two elders knocking at my door.
i didnt answer it mind you.
you will be safe here kim. Barry
Star Trek "Nemesis" (Fluff)
by Robdar inthe new star trek movie, "nemesis" is premiering on december 13, 2002. i am really looking forward to it.
although i grew up with the original, i must admit to a certain fondness for the next generation and to captain picard.
the original or the next generation?
I love them all, the Borg frightens the shit outa me. Barry
Catholic Church & FBI set example for JWs
by Amazing inokay, this is getting incredible ... according to fox news this morning, the us catholic church has appointed a deputy director of the fbi to head up its watchdog office to monitor priests and enforce its zero tolerance program dealing with pedophiles ... soooooo ... come on watchtower gb ... hire the fbi to keep an eye on you, and we all might come flocking back home to roost!
The SDAs have set up a commitee of people to deal with child and other sexual abuse in their church. THe commitee is made up of SDAs and also christians of other denominations so as to be objective with these terrible problems. I sent information off to Bill on this approach maybe he can use it for his purposes. I dont trust any religion or organisation in allways doing the right thing on these issues. As our Lord said 'beware of men'. Barry
Amazing Vegemite Facts
by Mackin in.
for the benefit and edification of all the non-australasian readers of this board i submit the following: .
edited by - mackin on 1 november 2002 15:48:10.
Nutella, nothing like it I took some vegemite to my friends in Los Angelies, they said it was like rats arse. Ive never tasted rats arse. Barry
ex wife studying with the witnesses
by barry ingday all, if any of you have time just remember the witnesses of singleton north new south wales in youre prayers.
my ex wife phoned me saturday night told me she was going to the meetings and studying with the witnesses.
my ex has joined more religions than i can remember and changes religion just like changing men.
Gday all, If any of you have time just remember the witnesses of Singleton north New South Wales in youre prayers. My ex wife phoned me Saturday night told me she was going to the meetings and studying with the witnesses. My ex has joined more religions than i can remember and changes religion just like changing men. If something upsets my ex she doesnt back off, they will get it for sure and she has had experiance with the witnesses in the past. Anyway she did inform me that she felt the witnesses their were more tolerant because the few witnesses in the area and the low meeting attendance.
Barry -
came in the flesh
by A Paduan inthat last post just reminded me of something.
john said that "
by this you know the spirit of god: every spirit that confesses that jesus christ has come in the flesh is of god,
That quote by John is to reject the teachings of the gnostics who claimed our Lord didnt have a real body even before the crusifiction the body of christ was only a cloak and Simon of serine was crusified in the place of christ. This heracy was common in the first and second century. The reason the witnesses say our lord didnt have a real body when resurected is because of 1914 and his invisible comming in that year. I had many disscussions with the witnesses on this very topic. It seems when our lord showed thomas his hands and feet with the wounds they were fake only a fake copy of his wounds. Barry