The scolars and many members of the Episcopalian church dont beleive in hellfire but they dont make it an issue. Also the 39 articals of faith of the Episcopalians dont mention hellfire either. Barry
Posts by barry
Episcopalians Rock!
by Robdar ina couple of months ago, i wrote asking this forum for information about the episcopalians.
many of you answered and i was intrigued by your replies.
i was finally able to attend a service today and enjoyed it very much.
Williams fined for obscenity
by barry inthe australian daily telegragh on 17th jan has an artical on serena williams and goes on to say.
top speed serena williams clains she has no memory of swearing during her tight australian open first round match despite being fined $2500 for the offence yesterday.
williams was fined for an 'audible obscenity ' while she came back from a set downto overcome emilie loit, of france , on tuesday.
I forgot to mention at the top of the page the heading in half inch size is 'A lady who swears by her Christianity' also I think the word starts with an F and ends with ing. Barry
Williams fined for obscenity
by barry inthe australian daily telegragh on 17th jan has an artical on serena williams and goes on to say.
top speed serena williams clains she has no memory of swearing during her tight australian open first round match despite being fined $2500 for the offence yesterday.
williams was fined for an 'audible obscenity ' while she came back from a set downto overcome emilie loit, of france , on tuesday.
The Australian daily telegragh on 17th Jan has an artical on Serena Williams and goes on to say. Top speed Serena Williams clains she has no memory of swearing during her tight Australian Open first round match despite being fined $2500 for the offence yesterday. Williams was fined for an 'audible obscenity ' while she came back from a set downto overcome Emilie Loit, of France , on Tuesday. "I dont remember that ' Williams said.
The editorial then goes on. Well Ill certainly be wary next time there is a knock on the door. It could be a Jehovahs Witness ready to give me a gobful.
And a pretty foul gobful at that. Open this door m.....and read this stuff about God or Ill punch lights out.
The JWs used to be earnest but boring. But now we get the Serena Williams version . The artical goes on
Barry -
Staying Awake Or Keeping In A Frenzy?
by AlanF inwe ex-jws know very well how much the watchtower society put us under pressure to believe that "armageddon is just around the corner".
they've been doing it in one form or another ever since charles taze russell began publishing his nonsense.
in 1877 he advocated that true christians should believe that christ would "take them home" in 1878. when that didn't happen he moved the event up to 1881. after that he focused on 1914.. the society is still doing pretty much the same thing, building up expectations and then revising them, decade after decade.
In reguards to this topic I feel as the resident Adventist here an Adventist perspective is called for. Firstly I would say good work to Alanf and if the WT is anything like the Adventists the date of 1914 will be constantly developed to change with the times and so will always be relevent to the faithful. I put myself in the group which says that the power of religious convictions has rarely followed the paths of logic. The Adventists date of 1844 has long passed the generation and is a very contraversial doctrine with adventists it usually causes arguements at bible studies at the churches I attend.
Here is some information you may be able to picture the WT dealing with in the future.
For over a hundred years, loyal Adventist ministers have contended that the supposed prophetic date of 1844 and the theory of the investigative Judgment are contrary to Scripture. They have also pointed out that such teachings are alien to the gospel of Christ. Protester after protester has arisen, been overwhelmed by prejudice, vilified . and passed by. Today they are vindicated by a recent undeniable turn of the tables in Europe.
Kai J Arasola is the son of Finlands best -known SDA evangelist ever, Arvo Arasola. Kai is the current president of East Finland's SDA Canference. His recent doctoral dissertation from Uppsala University is now making its way through the Adventist scholarly world.
The title of Elder Arasola's thesis is 'The End of Historicism ?Hermeneutic of Time Prophecies in the Old Testament'. Arasola writes what the scholars of Adventism in Europe, America and around the world have long known. There is no biblical basis for 1844.
Bible scholars in Millers time and later looked at Millers fifteen proofs and found them without validity. There were few who could be called Bible scholars who were involved in the Great Disappointement of 1844.
Arasola points out the flimsy nature of Millers chronological pillars. Kai emphasises that the whole scholarly world repudiated them. He mentions that only Seventh day adventists, the Worldwide Church of God and the Jehovahs Witnesses cling to Millers Approach in interpreting prophecy. When Arasola mentions Seventh day Adventism he does not mean the scholars of the church. They repudiate such teaching [except for some few dedicated to upholding the traditional positions for reasons other than scholarship]
Letter from a scholar.
'It is a devastating blow not only for Millers speculations and for his methods, but to Adventist theology as well. Very , very little is heard of 1844 from the pulpits. No theologians in our ranks comment on it , only the unschooled. BarryEdited by - barry on 8 January 2003 6:59:59
Hard work does pay off in the end :)
by WildHorses ini was just sitting here going over my finances and, if murphy's law doesn't come into play.. when i first started this cleaning service, i thought i would never get it built up, and a few times thought i would end up losing my home.
my mom, has on a few occasions, asked me to move to mn to live with her, because she knew my situation.
however, i was determined that i was going to make it on my own.
Thats great news Shari I know myself how hard it can be especially over the first 3 years getting a clientell together. I started a business 5 years ago and it took me 3 years to get a reasonable business income out of it . I started getting my work going door to door and I told my witness friends about it and how if I had been brought up a witness I would have a head start with door to door. Barry
Analysis of Apostasy
by pseudoxristos ina load of crap from a jw forum.
i thought everyone would gag enjoy.. .
i have recently written a short essay on the mode and operation .
Someone said to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This occures in physics and also in society so why have some moral judgement about such issues? To me there is no point to make. Barry
False Religion
by UnDisfellowshipped inbelow is a list of "christian" religions and teachers which, based on what i have read in the scriptures, are not teaching biblical truth.. i welcome all questions and comments.
jehovah's witnesses.
roman catholics.
Many of the confessions of faith held by various segments of the Christian community have described the true church in the language of the Nicene Creed [fourth century] as the 'one , holy,catholic and apostolic church'. The attributes of the church presented in this formula are biblical concepts.
During the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, controversy arose over the identity of Gods true church. One of the papacys major arguements against the Reformers was that the Church of Rome was the one, holy, catholicand apostolic church. Protestants ,of course denied Rome's claim. But how could one test the claims of opposing religious bodies to be the 'true church'?
Rome for example, interpreted these attributes in institutional terms. 'Unity meant lockstep conformity to the wishes of the hierarchical Roman structure. 'Catholicity' meant the propagation and maintenance of a formal, worldwide organization. 'Holicity' was defined as submission to the teaching of a succession of Roman bishops who claimed to wear the mantle of Peter.
The Reformers , however contended that the attributes of the church could not be properly understood apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church's real unity, holiness, catholicity and apostolicity, they said, were all rooted in Gods great saving act on Calvary. Therefore, the identity of the true church could be judged by whether or not the marks of the pure preaching of the gospel and the proper administration of baptism and the lords supper [by which the gospel is portrayed] were present in the community. This gospel alone would produce the attributes by which the true church can be known.
The Reformers had recovered a vital truth . The New Testament teaches that the attributes of the true church are soteriological rather than institutional. The church is one because the atonement of Christ has broken down the wall that once separated human beings according to class, race and sex. The church is holy because Christs death has purchased and set apart those who beleive the Gospel, to be Gods chosen people. The church is catholic [ie. universal] because Christs blood has washed away the sins of the whole world and because this gospel is now preached to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. The church is apostolic because its faith and life are grounded soley on the testimony of the apostleswhom Christ appointed to witness and proclaim his saving work -
False Religion
by UnDisfellowshipped inbelow is a list of "christian" religions and teachers which, based on what i have read in the scriptures, are not teaching biblical truth.. i welcome all questions and comments.
jehovah's witnesses.
roman catholics.
Dear Undisfellowshiped,
That site you gave me is actually very factual and I would agree with the majority of the conclusions there but it represents Traditional Adventists. The Church is actually divided between Traditionals, Evangelicals and Theologically liberal groups the Evangelicals can be divided into two groups. An artical by the Christian Research Institute "From Controversy to Crisis is a good read . A link for the official teachings of SDAs is and as an evangelical Adventist my main departure from this document revolves around the heading "Christs Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary" it is interesting to note that the witnesses copyied this doctrine from the Adventists the Adventist version being the date 1844 the witness version 1914. The reason for my dissention here is it interferres with the gospel and is the root of the Adventist perfectionism taught by the traditionals. Barry -
False Religion
by UnDisfellowshipped inbelow is a list of "christian" religions and teachers which, based on what i have read in the scriptures, are not teaching biblical truth.. i welcome all questions and comments.
jehovah's witnesses.
roman catholics.
Dear Undisfellowshipped,
You must be quite an authority to know about all those churches. Im a 7 day Adventist and I wonder what type of 7 day Adventist you beleive doesnt preach the gospel. Some groups in the Adventist church are called catholic adventists because they beleive just like the catholics others do beleive the protestant gospel of righteousness by faith just as the protestant reformers did. Any discrepancies in teaching between denominations are covered by the blood of christ and the real church is all of those who trust in the merits of christ irrespective of there denomination. BarryEdited by - barry on 30 December 2002 5:5:10
Benny Hinn
by mike047 indid anyone watch dateline last night?
the expose' on pastor hinn was exactly what i would have expected.
The Steve Martin movie was called Leap of faith at least it was a good laugh and not as expensive as hinn. Barry