Dear DJ , Right day wrong day to worship different churches have their our idears just as some sprinkle others immerse alll do what they beleive is right. The truth is nothing we do can earn our salvation its a free gift from what Jesus has already done and anything we do is only a response to what he has done as you put it . Barry
Posts by barry
Who Really Has The Truth(tm) Anyway?
by SpannerintheWorks intalk to any jw and they are convinced that not only do they posses the truth, but it is the only truth and nothing but the truth.
talk to born-again christians and they are convinced that god hears their prayers, they've got it right and jw's are wrong for not believing in the trinity.
then we have the mormons.
Who Really Has The Truth(tm) Anyway?
by SpannerintheWorks intalk to any jw and they are convinced that not only do they posses the truth, but it is the only truth and nothing but the truth.
talk to born-again christians and they are convinced that god hears their prayers, they've got it right and jw's are wrong for not believing in the trinity.
then we have the mormons.
ITs been a long Adventist tradition that God will give everyone in some way a chance at salvation regardless of religion and those also who have never heard the name of Jesus. Barry
Who Really Has The Truth(tm) Anyway?
by SpannerintheWorks intalk to any jw and they are convinced that not only do they posses the truth, but it is the only truth and nothing but the truth.
talk to born-again christians and they are convinced that god hears their prayers, they've got it right and jw's are wrong for not believing in the trinity.
then we have the mormons.
DJ, You said 7th Day Adventists and worldwide church of god teach you can be saved by their rules. Im a 7th Day Adventist I can comment about the WW Church of God for the most part has accepted the gospel in a recent reformation.While many Adventists beleive as you claim and have their own factions they are loyal to such as Brinsmeadism and the Concerned Bretherine or CBs as we call them the vast majority beleive in the gospel. The same gospel taught by Martin Luther of the righteousness that is by faith alone Barry
by minimus ini have read many opinions about jw's being a cult.a dictionary describes cult as a system of religious beliefs and ritual .. some have viewed even major religions as a cult, such as the roman catholic church.based upon webster almost anybody or anything that is viewed as ritualistic could be said to be cultic.when someone tries to negate jehovah's witnesses by using.
the "cult" word, i believe they are not seeing that many others could legitimately be regarded as a cult or at least "cultic".therefore the word loses alot of meaning.
some have said that the watchtower is a cult because of the control factor.
I think Cult is open to interpretation among christians it is widly known if you dont call our religion cultic then we wont call youre religion cultic. The witnesses are better described as a high control group other christians also fall into this category. Barry
Should I "ex JW" SHUN my JW family??
by curiouschristy ini haven't posted in a while... been very busy lately.
i am glad to be back though, i started reading the posts right away, and immediately felt comfort for how you guys are feeling, knowing i feel the same way.
not many of you know my story.... but for a quick run down... i'm a disf'd jw, for about 11 yrs now, i'm 28, disf'd at the tender age of 17... my mother and sister are still in the org... they only talk to me when they want to, it doesn't have to be an important event, life or death or anything.
The Jehovahs Witness religion doesnt shun former members, point that out to youre parents and add that if they also use double talk for another point of view thats the religions fault Barry
WTS puts foot in mouth and downplays sacrifices
by stichione inin a watchtower magazine article of september 1, 1951 entitled "hated for his name", an era of 10 persecution of christians is discussed.
but just to show how little insight the writer of this article shows, it goes on stating:.
-it is said that in the year 95 alone some 40,000 suffered martyrdom.
My father an elder told me about a minister who beleived only 144000 would be saved, one day his son pointed out to him about all the christians there were since the 1st century and said to his father he was only ruining his own chances to be saved because of the limited number. The minister soon changed his thinking. True story Barry
Bash the Catholics here.
by JG inreading one of the other threads got me thinking.
what is the root of anti-catholic sentiment.
i was raised a catholic, still catholic, and have never heard a good reason why some people dislike catholicism.
My wife is a catholic and my kids are baptised in the catholic church but she comes to my church more often than we go to the catholic church. the sermons there are very short and they dont have a bible study. I like to have some input when i go to church and at least give my point of view at the bible study if I feel strongly about sumthin. Barry
If you can't beat em...
by Paradiselost inhas anyone on the board ever joined a cong as an unknown apostate, gained a reputation, and then tried to show certain members the errors in their ways. i'm in a sitation that makes the following hypothetical possible. should i do it...has anyone attemted it? thoughts?
Dear Paradiselost, I think youre idear is a good one I come from a religious community where I cant pick a period of time there wasnt differing opinions. I remember people we called the Brinsmeads in the 60s and 70s who beleived differently who would sit on one side of the church while all the other members would sit on the other. Nowerdays people are more relaxed about different beleifs and accepting but I often think of the Brinsmeads even though I dont agree with them they have helped to form the church as it is now by there insistance on being accepted by the church. Ive often said the witnesses need a brinsmead group. Barry
Who were the apostates I once saw?
by ballistic inthere was talk the other day of "modern day apostates" which made me think back to the pre-internet days at conventions where we used to get leaflets sprung on us by what i then presumed to be apostates.
who are the apostates of the 80s and 90s who used to spring leaflets on us?
are they now on the net with us modern day apostates?
When studying with a JW man I was told that there was a group called 'Witnesses of Jehovah' and they would go to conventions and hand out literature does anyone know of this group maybe they are only in Australia. Barry
Just watched the Sunday program
by A Paduan injust watched the sunday program, finished a few minutes ago - covered the bbc panorama story - i'll admit i'm fired up.
i was very pleased to hear the sternly spoken comment at the end by channel nines jim waley, ' we are continuing to investigate the jehovahs witness and more cases of abuse' .
for the non-aussies, jim waley is universally considered as among the most credible and straight shooters of high profile journalism.
Also Jim Waley made the comment at the beginning that since the first program the sunday program has been denounced from the pulpits of JW churches. Wonder if they will denounce todays program too.