Kangaroo tail soup and koala drumsticks for me
Posts by barry
What is your favorite food?
by Joker10 ini personally don't have any favorites.
i dont know why some people's favorite is pizza.
just serve me rice and beans and i'm happy.
Is the JW religion that unique ??? do others have the same problems ???
by run dont walk inis the jw religion that different from other religions, i am not talking about beliefs, but the set up and blueprint that they work from.. i had a great discussion the other day with 2 hetterites (not sure how to spell it) both in their mid-twenties, they talked about how they had just left about one month ago and were going up to fort mcmurray to work, as they talked about their childhood, their beliefs, their upbringing, their rules, do's and don'ts, i swear they could of been jw's, i mean they went throught the exact things that alot of us on this board went through, it was amazing and frightening.. not knowing alot about other religions, are the problems we went through with the jw religion any different from someone who is mormon, muslim etc.
etc., do all religions although different beliefs by far, basically have the same blueprint in runnning their organization ???
and controlling people ??
I was brought up and still am an Adventist which a very strict religion and similar in some doctrinal areas to the witnesses. My first wife was studying with the witnesses and when she came to my church she was terrified something I didnt understand at the time. Anyway when she studied with the minister at my church some of the doctrines i didnt agree with and I told the minister so. He tried to pressure me to go along with the traditional Adventist beleifs and eventually I left and we got married at the Baptist church and went to that church. The Adventist minister I had the dissagreements over was transferred to another church and nearly lost his job over the way he handled our situation. So the situation is with most churches the customer is allways right even if he is wrong but with the witnesses the customer or member is allways wrong. Barry
Are cats for true Christians?
by tonyend inis it my imagination or do some witnesses overthink things a bit too much?
although this is most likely meant as a joke, it well illustrates jw thinking on a lot of matters.
My exwife was studying with the witnesses a few months ago, she loves cats and has two of them. Anyway I sent that artical to her she could see the funny side. Barry
New Illinois Sex Law - Its a Killer
by Amazing inthe governor of illinois just signed into law new legislation that says that anytime during sexual intercourse, if a woman (or man) says stop, then the other person must immediately stop ... or ... they can be charged with rape ... okay ... .
so, i can see it now ... a partner is reaching orgasm and the other person says ... stop ... yeah ... okay, that's the law in illinois ... .
oh, i understand the foundation of the law ... and i suppose it has its good purpose ... but ... .
We have that same law here in aussie land a bloke in western australia went on for 10 seconds longer when asked to stop and he was charged. Thats the only case ive heard of though. Barry
A day for a year in other churches
by barry in.
yes a day for a year is held by some adventists, jehovahs witnesses and the worldwide church of god while the great majority of textbooks of biblical hermeneutics dont even mention the possibility of a year day principle.. the following things are true about numbers 14;34.. 1.the word 'days' means days.. 2. the word 'day' means day.. 3. the word'year' meansyear.. 4. the word 'years'means years.. the full artical can be found www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au/yr_day.htm this site and organisatrion is good news unlimited supported by some adventists that dont agree with the official line.
Yes a day for a year is held by some Adventists, Jehovahs Witnesses and the Worldwide Church of God while the great majority of textbooks of Biblical hermeneutics dont even mention the possibility of a year day Principle.
The following things are true about Numbers 14;34.
1.The word 'days' means days.
2. The word 'day' means day.
3. The word'year' meansyear.
4. The word 'years'means years.
The full artical can be found www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au/yr_day.htm This site and organisatrion is Good News Unlimited supported by some adventists that dont agree with the official line.
The Sun never sets on the American Empire !
by Amazing intalking with critics recently revealed a concern of theirs that if the usa is going to go after saddam because he is a bad guy ... then, they ask: "what about the rest of the world?
" ... mmmm ... well ... yes ... what about the rest of the world?.
to date, america has removed noriega of panama, tried to kill castro of cuba, assisted with the removal of marcos, former president and dictator for life of the philipines, took back grenada, beat the crap out of qadaffy of lybia, removed the taliban from afghanistan, and then removed saddam hussein of iraq from power ... in the past we helped remove hitler, mussilini, and a few other crumudgeons.
Amazing that is what we used to say about the British empire. The bit about the sun never setting. Barry
by Utopian_Raindrops inok it is 4 am and i have not gone to bed so i wont be checking this thread till way later.
still i have a question.........maybe someone can answer it for me.. .
do so many christians believe that anyone who does not believe as they do will burn in hell?.
The truth is we, including fuddies are worst that we ever imagined while God is better than we ever hoped for. Barry
What if the US loses?
by Robdar inwhat if we lose the war with iraq?
i watch the news and all commentators act as if our winning is a given.
yes, we are the biggest, baddest nation; we have the nukes, but what if?
Australia has allways been with the US and is supporting the US in this campain we have ships aircraft and soldiers over there right now so if America is guilty so are we. Barry
What do the children think?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inafter my child was sexually abused i found myself wondering, not only about how to help my child cope with the actual crime committed, but also how would i deal with the organization, the pedo, the other congregation members etc, and how would the way i dealt with it all affect my child (victim) and the other siblings?.
the borg expected me to leave it all to the elders (only the 2 that knew about the crime) and the rest to jehovah.
ok, but then i got df for trying to protect other children in the congo because the 2 elders weren't.
gday Bliss,
I agree with Pris that you probably did the right thing in youre case. A more desirable outcome would be to take on the elders about the issues after all there are too many good people leaving it is youre religion and things wont improve if these cases are handled in such an unjust way. There is no moral direction for youre kids or the rest of society and unless those in charge take the problem in hand the good name of the religion will be questioned by the rest of the community eventually. At the church I attend I take the members, ministers head on for much less than has happened to you and I wont back down. I have apologised for taking over a meeting but not for my opinions. Barry -
Firestorm razes 400 ACT homes: four dead
by kelpie inhi guys and gals.
i have found a current report for you all.. monday january 20, 02:42 pmfirestorm razes 400 act homes: four dead.
a 73-year-old duffy man was identified as the fourth person to have died in ferocious bushfires that ravaged canberra at the weekend, destroying up to 400 homes.. he died in the duffy fires, which destroyed 185 houses.. .
My family live in an area of Canberra that is relatively new so the trees arent fully grown and there isnt much fuel on the ground here but fires were all around us at 3pm saturday it was like midnight here all the cars had to have their lights on and the sky was completly black. Barry