The SDAs dont beleive the star was put there by the decil or that the Maggi had any evil intent. The slant on xmas from the JW perspective was totaly new to me. Barry
Posts by barry
Star of Bethlehem
by undercover inthe bible, only in matthew(i think) speaks of the star that the astrologers followed to find the baby jesus.
the wts has claimed that this star obviously was a product of satan, since the astrolgers first wound up in jersusalem, met herod, who conspired with them to locate the baby.
after that, the astrologers continued on to bethlehem.. a couple of questions:.
How do you feel about Christmas?
by AJN indo you enjoy it after so many years of not celebrating?
does it have any relevance to you now?.
i live in nz and it doesn't feel like xmas to me cause it's the middle of summer - it just doesn't compute so that helps really all in all.
When I was a kid we allways had a tree from the forest and I allways remember the smell of the pine it allways reminds me of xmas.My wife gets hay fever and we cant have anything but a fake plastic pine tree in the house and its just not the same.
Also even though we have summer at xmas here in Australia we have snow decorations and snow on cards we send people so one of these days I would just like to spend xmas in the snow. Barry
When did the watchtower become a cult?
by Gadget infrom looking at various cult information, and warning signs of an unsafe group i beleive the jw's to be a cult, but how did they become one?
it started as a religious periodical in the 1870s, and somehow progressed to being a faith, a religion, and then from there progressed to become a cult.
when did this happen, and how?
Christian sects have agreements between each other to not accuse each other of being a cult and some could be described in that way.
I think it is more accurate to describe the WT as a high control group. Barry
JWs get a mention on 'Adventists for Tomorrow'.
by barry inthere is also some sda related stuff there so dont get it mixed up.
the link is
The GC is the General conference of SDA just like the GB. Well they do come together people from all around the world and debate issues but are like the GB in that they are hirerarchical. Barry
JWs get a mention on 'Adventists for Tomorrow'.
by barry inthere is also some sda related stuff there so dont get it mixed up.
the link is
There is also some SDA related stuff there so dont get it mixed up. The link is
They have nothing to loose by shunning
by garybuss inif my attitude toward the shunners is to be waiting for them with a full pardon, waiting for them to quit shunning me so i can shower them with love as their reward for being jerks, they have nothing to lose by continuing the shunning.
they don't have a dog in the fight.
if children who shun parents were notified by the parents that they will loose their inheritance if they continue the shunning, all of a sudden they have something to loose by shunning.. .
Youre right to be annoyed this shunning just doesnt make sense to me . The lady I studied with had to shun her daughter and I told her it was unchristian for anyone to do that I told her rules are made to be broken. Barry
Evolution Question(s)
by Cassiline inif we have evolved my assumption is we still are evolving correct?
or am i wrong in this assumption as well?
with all that was wrought on jws this is one teaching i can not get past that of evolution v. creation.
The english soldiers in the second world war had different shaped helmets than the ones they make today so thats about 60 years. I guess it could be better nutrition my grandfather was born in england he was only 3lb at birth. Also during the world wars the poms would mistakenly salute Australians thinking they were officers as most officers in the pome army were of higher statue because they came from the upper classes. Australians and upper english classes both had good nutrition.
I also read over on adventists for tomorrow Price was only self taught. There is big problems with the faith science meetings the last one being next year. Many SDA scientists dont agree with the 7day 6 thousand year model. The main problem is with teachers in there institutions teaching young people evolution. The more fundamentalist ones have gone on record they beleive the bible in a literal way and they will only accept 7days, 6 thousand years and we will fight for every minute extra. Barry
Evolution Question(s)
by Cassiline inif we have evolved my assumption is we still are evolving correct?
or am i wrong in this assumption as well?
with all that was wrought on jws this is one teaching i can not get past that of evolution v. creation.
Alan you have answered questions I have often pondered in my own mind. I have heard people 10,000 years ago were smarter than they are now also English soldiers have different shaped heads than they do now. When making helmets the shape had to be changed.
How do these facts fit with evolution I would have thought these time periods would make no difference to the long periods required of evolution. Barry
Lord save us from the Devil the Turk the Comet and the Fanatics 11
by barry inbrother matheson writes in a thread he calls slippage.
i thought it was something to do with boats but i found out differently.
thanks brother matherson.. in her day ellen white [or somebody who read her writings and attempted to convey their meaning to us] witnessed the evils of using the organ pipes to pump out music during circus -style events.
A merry xmas to you too Uncle Bruce drop in any time.
I forgot to mention about the title, It was a prayer used by the crusaders who were trying to free the holy land, they prayed for deliverance from the devil, the turk and haileys comet ive added the fanatic which wasnt in the original prayer.
Also in case someone doesnt know the Jesuits are a Catholic order set up during the counter reformation hence the conspiracy theory of there fruit loops, but all the same I do like there spirit. Barry
Lord save us from the Devil the Turk the Comet and the Fanatics 11
by barry inbrother matheson writes in a thread he calls slippage.
i thought it was something to do with boats but i found out differently.
thanks brother matherson.. in her day ellen white [or somebody who read her writings and attempted to convey their meaning to us] witnessed the evils of using the organ pipes to pump out music during circus -style events.
Thats very true mizpah the SDAs consist of many opinions now the reson this particular one caught my attention is because the posters their seemed crazy to me and I couldnt stop laughing at the things they have said.
'many of us are the people who nobody will listen to in the real world. We are ignored at Sabbath School and people think we are CRAZY
I just cant get over it all. Maybe people here dont see the funny side like I do. Barrry