I know that not all churches are like this, but the one that my little one goes to with her friend is AMAZING for their children's programs. The program is amazing, loving, and child oriented to teach their young members. I never knew that all they teach is that God loves them and wants them to make good decisions. It never crossed my mind to give them prizes for attendence, picnics every Sunday, rewards for remembering bible passages. There is no fear, only a high respect for God that is taught via coloring, games, skits, activities, building things, open discussions, pulling bible names out of a hat and discussing why that person is a good example or bad example....etc.
WHY don't JW do all of this for our children? I have thought alot about it. They say that they are doing it bec in bible times, the children were always with their parents during worship and that it is the parents decision to rear them, not shirk this responsibility to others. What a lame excuse. So because Jesus gave sermons on mounts, does that mean that example should be followed and we should have no indoor KHs??? Same line of silly reasoning..
They don't do it, because they want children to be BRAINWASHED not TAUGHT. My husband was shocked to realize at a meeting once that children were commenting about death, dying and armageddon at the KH. They don't even fully understand the implications of what they are being told to say, yet they are reciting adult words and concepts. How demented! He was shocked to realize that children were being subtly influenced by words such as death, worldly, them and us, armageddon, destruction, destroy, etc. They sit and listen and listen and listen to this 3x a week for years. They are taught at a young impressionable age to not question, to be quiet, to answer what is written out in front of you, to follow everyone else and do what they are doing, don't be different and accept or get slapped for 'making noise'. Think about what this symbolically means!
Our poor children are turned into pychologically damaged adults, no wonder most of us are in counselling. I really feel sick about the dark dooming quietly threatening cloud that is placed over our children's head.
GLAD I am out and my children too. I need to do alot of retraining, not just me but for them as well.