Dear Brad,
I am Canadian as well. I have been through alot with my children (14 and 10) the past 3 years. Here is what I have learned.
What does the seperation/divorce agreement say? If Joint custody, then, given the age of your kids, she has no right to block access.
Write down everything. Judges love a paper trail of allegations. The kids all of a sudden do not want to see you, write down what you heard, what they said, etc. I have everything documented and it has always been taken before his word alone was.
The judge can order family counselling for divorced couples and their children. Ask for it.
You have to get on this NOW. My oldest is 14, refuses to see her father and has every right to. No one can force her now. They can be forced at a younger age, yes, but not from about 12 years old onward. My ex does nothing to get to her. He takes none of my suggestions, which include: come to the house and ask for her, write weekly letters about his life, her life, anything but religion. Send her little tokens of love, it is not buying her love, it is showing that you are constantly thinking of her. Weekly invite them to do something, coffee, the zoo, etc. He does nothing because I am disfellowshipped therefore he won't have anything at all to do with me.
Ask the judge for shared residency. Not permanent residency with just the wife.
Get your friends to write affidavits about your parenting skills. Get professionals to write, if possible.
What are you access rights now? Tell her that you demand to have the kids on that weekend. Demand it! It is your right. Leave her a message saying, "I will be there at __pm to pick the kids up, according to the agreement, and I will drop them off at ___, according to the agreement." If she will not comply, phone the cops, tell them. My ex did that to me once. (I was not home when he showed up to get my youngest, no problem, but the police did talk to me!) Do not stop phoning the kids, saying good night, leaving messages etc. Get phone access in your agreement before the judge. (WRITE down when you call, what exactly was said, everytime!)
You are not a deadbeat dad and don't let her paint you that way, make everything she says be a lie because your actions are totally opposite.
Tell her that she will not get away with this, you want your kids, you will not stop, you are paying child support and want to FULLY be in their lives. That YOU and HER got divorced not HIM and the KIDS. Ask her how she would feel if this was reversed. Tell her that it is killing you. Plea to her sense of right and wrong.
You have to respect her. You won't get to the kids without her on your side. I know from experience how easily I could have manipulated the 10 year old against her father, but I refused. It was one of the hardest lessons in true love I ever experienced. Let and encourage her to be with someone that physically abused me for 14 years, who has caused me so much pain, what a great way to get back at him. But I didn't and I don't. Tell her that you are sorry for the pain in the marriage, that it all ended up this way, but respect that the marriage has ended, beg her to as well and beg her to let the children grow up with both parents. Plea to her love for the children and their needs. Ignore all harsh words from her or insults and try to soften her. Part of my 14 year old's problem is that she lives through me. She saw the pain for too long and sadly my hurt has become hers. She 'fights my battle'. We have talked about it endlessly but she wn't listen. If only he would come to me, tell me that he is sorry for our marriage but not sorry for what we produced together, and it is them that needs to be focused on, it might help her melt her exterior a little bit. When parents don't get along, children feel compelled to choose a side. That's human nature, pick a side to go with.
My other friend, woman, has lost her 14 year old son to her ex husband and JW's. He hates her and is viciously opposed to seeing her because he believes everything that his JW family tells him. There is nothing she can do now legally. So whatever you do, do now.
If you have any other questions. Feel free to ask. Jez