The more years that go by the more I believe that the core beliefs are utter hogwash.
JoinedPosts by Taythan
Do u believe much of the JW teachings but not Gods Representative on earth?
by breeze in.
i wonder how many are still drawn to the beliefs but just don't believe the wtbts is jehovah's representative on earth and the only hope for mankind?.
of course we know some are not correct like 607 bc and 1914 and 1975 etc.. breeze
Is this life all there is???
by Core88 ini have been a df'ed witness for two years now.
i have had a son around that same time moved twice and changed jobs all around that same time.
it has been the hardest two years of my life.
Umm......I just say be happy with each day you have and leave the worrying about tomorrow for...tomorrow. When I first left the JW way of life I would say and believe that...."well they were "mostly" right." as the years went by it was more and more of....."that's just crazy". As you learn to interact with others and deprogram yourself from the JW lifestyle you find that you do have a choice about how you want to live and the ability to choose to be a happy.
Ever work for Witnesses?
by free2beme ini worked for a witness owned business for 10 years.
three as a witness and seven as a former witness.
it was a formal wear (tuxedo) store.
When I was 18 and 19 years old I worked here and there for one of the elders who had his own pest control business. He was generous and I have no complaints about the work relationship. Of course it wasn't like a regular full time job either. The pest control business seemed to be a pretty common JW occupation in western Nebraska because I knew of several.
Music you chucked out when you were a JW.
by lowden init made me think, reading comments on carpenters thread....... what music did you throw out when you were a witness??.
i got rid of all my led zeppelin (satanic backtracking and all that baloney).
all my deep purple.
One of the most defined memories I have of my mothers transformation into JWdum was the smashing of her beloved Christmas record collection.
Of course during my rebellious teens living under a strict JW roof many a smuggled tape bit the dust. Oh the day the sledge hammer found Motley Crue's "shout at the devil" I had to resort to unmarked generic copies and even those were not safe.
goodbye football/hockey
by bonnzo inin the new book "live with jehovah's day in mind" it refers to habakkuk 1:3- (partial quote-what else):and why are despoiling and violence in front of me?
it then asks the question: would he (habakkuk) set aside time to be a spectator at so-called sports events that are violent by design, players even wearing protective armor like that of ancient gladiators?
watch the anti-football/hockey jackasses come out of the woodwork on this one.. the wacktower, babble and crap society is at it again.
Sports were always a taboo for the JW's. When I played high school football against my parents will, there were serious repercussions. Whenever I wasn't in school I was on a strict grounded lock down because I was being "disobedient". Even a non contact sport like track was "breeding the competitive worldly spirit". Once an elders wife even pulled out an Awake article from the 60's to "prove" to me that Chess was a game unfit for Jehovah's people because it simulated war.
Were your parents a different religion before JDubism?
by Crumpet ini know an awful lot here are 3rd and 4th generation - but were there any who's parents become dubs as adults?
i'd be interested to here what it was that made an adult become a jw when not brought up that way?.
i'll relate my parents experience shortly...but its something i;ve been thinking about a lot.
My parents, namely my mother and step-father became JW's as adults. My mother from a nonpractcing Catholic background and my step-father from a Bible-belt Methodist upbringing. The transformation took about 3 years from when my mother first began studying in 1986 to the eventual smashing of her Christmas record collection to their baptism in 1989. Sometimes I think it was worse that way than if they had been in the Org. the whole time because when they first started instituting JW law in the home they did so with a strict and heavy hand trying to live up to the new expectations upon them.
What book or movie most resembles the WTS in your opinion? Why?
by whyizit ini've seen where some former jws compare the wts to certain movies or books (such as the village and 1984).
i just wondered what movies or books reminded you of the wts and why?
did you draw this conclusion before or after you left the organization?
The Fiddler on the Roof oddly enough. They way that Tevye would not speak to the daughter that married a non-jew. The way the entire community except for the "radical" stayed away from association of the other townsfolk.
I have only known of one case of a guy going back. I had heard stories of others from the past, but nothing tangilbe except for the one case. In his circumstance he grew up in it and when he reached his teen years he drifted away. He only returned when all of his "worldly" friends went off and got lives and found himself alone and the only family he had to turn to was of course his JW family. Thus he went back and studied and got baptized and the whole nine yards. I left shortly after his return. He's probably an elder now, that congregation was so small and wanting for people that any young man was sure of a quick promotion. His JW parents were so proud of their prodigal son returning. I wonder how he feels now stuck out in the middle of no where working at a Thrifty mart
Prayers, Blessings and Grace Before Meals
by lisavegas420 ini was wondering how many people say blessings, grace or prayers before eating meals.
do you do it every meal, during entertaining?
in a restrauant, alone?
I have never individually said a prayer or blessing before a meal since leaving. On occasion I run into situations where there are folks of other chrisitan denominations, usually old grandmothers who say grace and if it makes them happy it doesn't bother me at all to wait a moment with my head bowed. The way I figure it's not worth an argument so just play along and smile.