A few questions from my observations here.......
** " If your going to call yourself a Christian you better take of the emblems. Otherwise you will be saying "NO" to Christ body just like Satan worshippers do around the world on Niasin 14th."**
KJV, interesting falacy you write of here. Firstly how does a person say NO to christs body ?? Christ died for all didnt he ?? There is no rejection process possible is there ??
KJV, Your general falacy statement that Satan worshippers ( there are literally dozens of analogious groups of people that offer their religious title as a satan worshiper ) hand around wine and bread for the purpose of not partaking in it makes zero sense to me. How would that be in harmony with their orship of satan. I know quite a bit about these different analogious groups and i have never heard of any that do this. Please follow up with the details or references on this, otherwise retract the comment.
KJV, you say ...
** "The Society has it bassackwards. They should allow everybody to take of the emblems and only the annointed get baptised. When you got baptised you baptised your body to die to be with Christ in Heaven."
Am i missing something. If you had a case in point you would firstly have to establish that ( by the bible references, you know the big book !! ), it is unchristian to not partake, which would lead you to the arduous task of trying to prove that there is really only one flock, the ones in the new covenant, etc etc, therefore qualifying your above statement by stating that the society's policy is wrong blah blah. You do more detrement to your seemingly opinionated cause by making statements like that above, written as if they are established facts, than to offer a hypothesis. Your following logic about christ in heaven comment also is a mystery to me. Please further on about the source of this " new and improved light "
There is nowhere in the Bible that says that baptism is a symbol of ones dedication to God. Pure rubbish!!
Yes mate i agree, your statement is pure rubbish. Boy did you do ANY searching at all before articulating such a brilliantly conceptualised and logically lucid brainwave ??
If your comments above are simply an embarising faux-pas due to a constricted avalablility of time, its understandable, but if it is due to a constricted over modified ability to convey your thoughts accurately, then please do me a favour, and change your signature to " one that thought not wisely, but not enough "
ALSO, from mouthy, a further explanation is humbly requested on your comment as follows.
" Why would anyone want to take their emblems....They are in name of Micheal the Ark angel, Not in the Name of the Biblical Jesus"
Prefering to err on the side of appearing to be a nute, and at the risk of sounding like Ms Pauline HANSON, PLEASE EXPLAIN ???