If it is possible to know the future then we have a deterministic universe where quantum fluctuations will happen according to the starting conditions of the universe and are playing out exactly as planned/ordered. Humans are a fairly miniscule and irrelevant part of that deterministic universe and are a slave tothat determinism. With regard to the past our present fixes it into set deterministic state, what was must have been for now to be.
If a god exists with the capacity to know the future they have become devoid of free will themselves. Their foreknowledgemust include a knowledge of their future actions as well. A god who knows the end state of a system they interact with is forced to perform miracles, revelations, answers to prayers, no to interact during disasters and so on. This being knows whether he will answer before you ask and cannot chose to act otherwise lest he alter the future.
Such a being negates all divine freedom turning even himself into a slave , a slave held rigidly by observation and information. Once the photon is observed itcan no longer exist as a potentiality and go through both slits in the experiment but must only go through one. This brings the whole cosmic fairytale of xianity to the level of divine farce where god pretends to offer choice , redemption, responsibility and hope but in reality offers merely a script where he plays a central part as the surprised god reacting to human choices in eden and with Jesus. Such a god is doomed by sneaking an early peek at his christmas presents and in dooming himself he also fixes the universe so it must unfold a certain way, free will and quantum fluctuations be damned. What a bast*rd.