When someone posts an opinion I try and interpret what and why they are saying it. Communication is a a two person job. I bring my knowledge and skills to the table as does the person sending the message. When someone sends a message to me and asks me to seriously consider the possibility of something both implausible and physically impossible , with no evidence beyond their own subjective emotions and thoughts , and absolutely refuses to consider any interpretation other than that they are right , I consider them to be acting in a ridiculous fashion. It would be rude of me and a dereliction of my own integrity to treat their personal fantasy world as true and agree to pretend that I saw merit and reality in their imagination. Instead , especially when they opine on a subject where I have some evidence based information I try to disabuse them of their evidence lite foundation and offer something better. If they stonewall then I consider that the conversation may be ripe for ridicule for the dual purpose of hoping to expose a fundamental weakness in their argument that their rational mind has failed to process and also as a general signalling method to anyone else listening that this conversation is not based on facts and to discuss it as such is farcical.
In this information age where a wealth of facts and researched information is available ,with just a little effort, our personal ignorance on a subject is a matter of choice. It wasn't until I owned this responsibility and took it back from my god, my church and my believing peers that I could fully realise that faith based belief was making me make religious, half-baked, rather silly , public assertions which I defended not because I was interested in the actual truth ( that requires an attitude of being swayed by facts) but simply because I was interested ( when I really thought about it) in converting myself and those around me into worshippers of my god. It took , amongst other things, being shown how ridiculous my then beliefs were and being soundly thrashed in some heated debates to wake me up to the fact that no god was going to step in and give me any real info to help me out regarding global floods or some such myth and that my late night, post humiliation prayers were not beaming out of my head into some magic world.
Pretending to know something and demanding that it be respected or privileged by your peers is at once manipulative and arrogant. Its intellectual bullying and churches and faiths have been doing it for years.IMO.